Chapter 537: Your Majesty is Sweet (46)

Chapter 537 Your Majesty is Sweet (46)

After this day.

Shangguanjing is obviously much more obedient than before.

When I was studying in class, I also began to learn to ask questions proactively.

Chacha is very gratifying.

Finally, I can no longer supervise Shangguanjing's study.

to this end.

She deliberately made the imperial kitchen more lavish than ever for her lunch.

As for why Shangguanjing suddenly changed his attitude.

Chacha guessed that it had something to do with what he saw that day that he shouldn't have seen.

Hey, I knew it earlier, kiss Fengqing.

can make such a big change in Shangguan scene.

She just... started attacking Feng Qing in front of him earlier.

Speaking of which, Shangguanjing really wanted to understand that day.

In addition to seeing the relationship between the two of them that day, he also saw the memorial in Feng Qing's hand.

If he really valued the throne and cared about power, he would never let Feng Qing handle those memorials.

Taifu did not know who Feng Qing was, but he did.

Fengqing is the first prince of Yueguo.

The most favored prince of the Emperor of the Moon Kingdom.

Knowing this identity, how dare you hand over the memorial to Feng Qing?

Qiu Shui, the maid next to him, didn't look surprised at all when she saw Feng Qing revising the memorial, instead she was accustomed to it.

So far.

He believed it a little bit. His younger brother may really have little interest in the throne...


However, happy days are only a few days away.

Chacha found that Fengqing was a little strange recently.

In the middle of the night, she climbed onto Feng Qing's body, her moist eyes rolled, cupping his face in her hands, and asked softly.

"Are you unhappy?"

Fengqing's eyes were dark, "Well..."

Really unhappy.

He raised his hand and hugged the man tightly in his arms.

Chacha is rare and well-behaved, and asked him in a soft voice, "What happened?"

It must be a big deal to make Feng Qing unhappy.

Since something big happened, she had to comfort him.

Fengqing sighed slightly, eyes full of reluctance, "Something happened to Yueguo, I may need to go back."

His father was seriously ill, and his younger brothers were eyeing the throne.

needs him to go back and preside over the bigger picture.

Chacha quickly understood what he meant, and someone mentioned the situation in Yueguo to her.

She thought about it, kissed him on the face, and comforted, "You go back to Yueguo, I'll wait for you."

He is the first prince of the Moon Kingdom, and he also has responsibilities that belong to him.

Can't be for her, regardless of those responsibilities.

He has to have an explanation with everyone, of course, the most important thing to him is her!

After finishing her words, she added, "Don't worry, I won't look down on others!"

Hearing this, Feng Qing was amused by her.

"Well, what His Majesty said, I will keep in mind!"

He really wanted to abduct people back.

Unfortunately, she is the emperor of the Snow Country, and the country cannot live without a king...

The next day.

Fengqing returned to Yue Kingdom.

Only Cha Cha was left alone in the side hall in a daze.

woo, in fact, she wasn't happy either.

Qiushui went to comfort, "Don't be sad, Your Majesty, you can meet him again when Young Master Feng has dealt with Yueguo's affairs."

Chacha glanced at her and pouted, "If he's gone, no one will give me the grades..."

A pile of memorials, I have a headache just thinking about it.

Autumn Water, "..."

If you let Young Master Feng hear this.

It is estimated that His Majesty does not have to go to the morning court.

will probably be locked in the side hall by Young Master Feng, and he will be taught a hard lesson.

The next moment.

Qiushui's face turned red, and his expression became somewhat unnatural.

It must have been with His Majesty for a long time, and after hearing more, she would have such abnormal thoughts...


Three shifts.

See you tonight~

(end of this chapter)