Chapter 540: Your Majesty is Sweet (49)

Chapter 540 Your Majesty is Sweet (49)

She comforted Shangguanjing and made sure that everything was fine.

asked Qiqi silently, "Is he not blackened?"

Qiqi, [...No, but according to the data, his mood is very unstable, I suggest you let him feel the affection. 】

Cha Cha, "...Can I refuse?"


It was hard for her.

She herself doesn't understand family love, so let her use family love to comfort Shangguanjing?

Are you sure you're not joking?

Qiqi also fell into thinking, [Anyway, don't let it blacken...]

Chacha thought for a while, "I'll try it."

At present, it should not be blackened.

She tossed him for so long, but his mood didn't change, except that after mentioning Fengqing and the throne, he was on the verge of blackening.

Since that’s the case…

Then she will continue to supervise him to read the memorial!

A fight every now and then?

Return to the previous state?

Seven-seven, [………] I think… what the host said makes sense.

I suspect that Shangguanjing may have a masochistic constitution.

This suspicion was quickly confirmed.

the next day.

Shangguanjing did not practice martial arts well with the general.

Cha Cha threw the person down with a black face, and then left aggressively.

Shangguanjing, who slowly got up from the ground, "..."

smiled at the back of Cha Cha leaving...

Seven Seven, 【! ! ! Chacha, you are great, keep playing! do not stop! 】

Chacha, "Okay!"

As long as Shangguan Jing is dishonest, she will do it.

One to two to go.

Shangguanjing was beaten every day.

And, fight harder and harder.


Cha Cha hugged the hibiscus cake and cried and looked at Shangguan Jing who came over and was beaten.

"..." Woo, I don't want to hit the same person every day!

Another month passed.

Shangguanjing has changed a lot, and it can be called reborn.

During this period, thanks to Chacha's unremitting efforts.

this day.

The weather looks pretty good.

Cha Cha sat on the dragon chair and announced his abdication with a cold expression.

ceded the throne to King An Shangguanjing.

The ministers were shocked.

Even Shangguan Jing was stunned for a while.

did not expect that she would be so decisive, handing over the throne to him without any reluctance.

If there is any dissatisfaction...

At this moment, everything disappeared.

Hate or resentment, it has nothing to do with her.

under the assistance of the general.

Shangguanjing successfully ascended the throne.

Although the situation in the DPRK is not too clear, but with a general in charge, no one dares to make trouble.

took the throne not long after.

Cha Cha is about to leave the palace and go to the Moon Country.

When Shangguanjing rushed over, he happened to see such a scene.

Cha Cha changed into simple men's clothes, with autumn water, Xia Yue was wiping tears next to her.

Chacha, "His Majesty has no one around, you continue to serve him, I don't want you..."

Xia Yue cried into tears, "You just don't want slaves anymore. The slaves and Qiushui have been waiting for you. Now you bring Qiushui, but not slaves..."

Chacha thought for a while.

"How about Qiushui stay with you? I'll go by myself!"

Xia Yue, "???"

Qiushui looked stunned.

"Master? Don't listen to Xia Yue's nonsense. It's a long way to go to Yueguo, so slaves must go with you."

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at her, then waved his fist.

His face froze.

"You two can't beat me together!"

Autumn Water, "..."

What    said... seems to be true.

Her master can knock the assassin down with one move.

She...isn't really an opponent.

But, is this the key?

The key is that she should follow her master.

was almost surrounded by the master.


Six more

(end of this chapter)