Chapter 560: sorry i'm a girl (17)

Chapter 560 Sorry, I'm a Girl (17)

Although Chacha is not as long as Lu Jingming's legs.

But when he started running, he didn't slow down at all, and in a flash, he ran outside the school.

Lu Jingming chased after her with his long legs.

Both left school.

Chacha stopped, she turned around and pretended to be puzzled.

"What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Lu Jingming stabilized his body, pursed his lips, his face darkened, he clearly ran after her, and she saw him just now.

Now, pretending to just see him...

He sighed, didn't say much, just took a few steps forward, nodded, and said very cooperatively, "Well, it's a coincidence."

As if they were just downstairs in the bedroom, the two people who looked at each other were not them.

The corners of Chacha's lips curved slightly, thinking that this move of hers was simply too smart.

quietly abducted the person outside the school.

The two stood face to face.

Cha Cha said with a smile, "But, aren't you asleep? When I came out of the dormitory, you hadn't woken up yet, why did you chase me so quickly?"

Lu Jingming's face changed slightly, and his expression was also a little subtle.

He thought about it, but couldn't think of any decent reason.

He felt that there was only a thin layer of window paper between the two of them, and it would be broken if they were stabbed.

But for the time being, he didn't have the courage to pierce this layer of window paper.

Chacha sighed slightly when she saw that Lu Jingming lowered his eyes and didn't want to answer.

Okay, don't answer if you don't answer, and she doesn't have to force him to answer.

Then change the subject.

Wu Liuliu rolled his eyes, and Cha Cha said softly, "I'm going to the Internet cafe to play games, how about you?"

Lu Jingming raised his eyes, just in time to meet those black and white eyes. In her eyes, he seemed to be the only one.

My heart trembled slightly.

He nodded, "I'll go with you."

Cha Cha smiled and grabbed his wrist, "Go."

Lu Jingming watched as she grabbed his wrist. He didn't say anything, and he didn't break away. The dark eyes seemed to be stained with ink, and it couldn't be dissolved.

She led him towards the Internet cafe.

There was a little more smile in his eyes.

Qiqi was stunned, staring at this development in a stunned manner.

Never expected that the host would actually play routines.

Although the routine is very simple, but... Lu Jingming really took the bait.

The two went to the Internet cafe and turned on two computers.

As soon as I sat down, I heard a commotion next to me.

Cha Cha followed the voice, only to realize that the people in that row were all looking at her and Lu Jingming.

She was stunned for a few seconds, and quickly realized something.

Lu Jingming seems to be quite famous in school.

She tilted her head and whispered, "They all seem to know you."

Lu Jingming nodded and helped her open the chair.

"What game do you want to play?" he asked.

In terms of games, although he is not very proficient, he has also played.

I can play with her for a while.

Chacha, "...Lianliankan."

Lu Jingming paused slightly, looked at his little roommate in astonishment, and pursed the corners of his lips, as if trying to suppress his smile.


His little roommate is still a child, and his head is not very smart.

Cha Cha gave him a fierce look.

Don't think I don't know you want to laugh!

Lianliankan what happened? ? ?

I play Lianliankan, I am righteous!

I play Xiaoxiao, I'm happy!

Chacha angrily looked around on the computer.

Hmmm... I searched around again.

On the computer of this Internet cafe... There is no Lianliankan! ! !

Weeping and chirping, it is too bullying for the disabled party.

Cha Cha turned on the TV series with a dark face... Watch, watch the drama.


One more update

(end of this chapter)