Chapter 565: sorry i'm a girl (22)

Chapter 565 Sorry, I'm a Girl (22)

Chacha swallowed his saliva hopelessly.

Then he hugged the little quilt and looked at him nervously, "You, didn't you leave?"

woo, in fact, he didn't leave at all?

Wu Liuliu's eyes were full of accusations, and she suspected that he did it on purpose.

Lu Jingming pretended to be surprised, "When did I say I was gone?"

Cha Cha, "You..."

OK, you didn't say it.

I judged by the sound of footsteps and the sound of the door closing, um, a misjudgment.

She snorted twice, wrapped herself in a small quilt, and tucked her head into the pillow, "I'm going to bed."

If you have something to say, just leave now!

"Well, go to sleep, it will take me some time to buy breakfast, take a good rest first, and I will call you when I come back."

His voice was unbelievably mild.

The startled Chacha showed his small head from the pillow and looked at him puzzled.

"Why are you so kind to me all of a sudden?" Could it be that love is like a gust of wind? Come on? ? ?

The fluffy little head with messy hair, coupled with her innocent and blank eyes, made her more and more cute.

Lu Jingming sighed, reached out and rubbed her little head, smoothing her hair.

"I'll treat you better if I buy you breakfast? Then I'll treat you better in the future."

Lu Jingming dropped these words and turned to leave.

He simply opened the door neatly, and then closed the door again, all in one go.

looks a little handsome? Cha Cha couldn't help staring at the closed door for a while, he said it would be better for me in the future?

Although I didn't understand what happened, it's a good thing!

Chacha smiled and wrapped the quilt and lay down again. Anyway, no matter whether Lu Jingming is normal or not, she is very happy if he treats her well.

Even if she is really stupid, she can support him for the rest of her life.

As everyone knows.

Looks handsome, but Lu Jingming, who is actually not very normal, has blood dripping from his earlobes the moment he closed the door.

Lu Jingming: Fortunately, I didn't let her see it.

First time sultry... Should be successful, right?

He thought to himself, but his face was still indifferent, and his heart was like an overturned river.

last night.

He didn't sleep all night.

In the question of bending and not bending, I have been thinking for a long time.

He always felt that he was a straight man, and suddenly he had a crush on boys, and some thoughts that he shouldn't have, always confused him.

He tried to fight her coldly, oh, it should be said that he unilaterally ignored her and wanted to calm his mind.

The result was obvious, as soon as he heard that she went to the Internet cafe alone, he followed her uncontrollably.

And then……

In short, things are getting more and more chaotic.

Lu Jingming gathered up his courage and searched for some information on the Internet, but unfortunately, he felt uncomfortable just looking at it.

So, he sat on the bed alone, taking advantage of the flickering moonlight, staring at the sleeping little roommate across from him for most of the night.

The moment when the sky was slightly bright.

He suddenly wanted to understand.

He doesn't like boys, he likes his little roommate, and only his little roommate.

Now that he has made up his mind, he will naturally not miss this opportunity.

The person he likes, he must take good care of.

Not only that, he has to find a way to abduct his little roommate into his arms...

Although this process may be difficult, it doesn't matter, he can take it slowly, what's more, the two live together, he has the right time, place and people...


Two more.

Lu Jingming: How did you turn around? Shall we bend it first?

Chacha: …………Cry chi, my male protagonist, his brain is really broken. . .

(end of this chapter)