Chapter 568: sorry i'm a girl (25)

Chapter 568 Sorry, I'm a Girl (25)

Cha Cha stared at Wu Liuliu, and waited for a while, before Lu Jingming could say the rest.

She frowned, a little anxious, "...what are you trying to say?"

Lu Jingming looked at her hesitantly, then hurriedly looked away.

He didn't dare to look at her.

His appearance made Cha Cha even more curious.

So, what if it took a long time?

What the heck is going on?

Lu Jingming's eyes were erratic, as if he had made up his mind, he raised his head and said solemnly, "I..."

Suddenly, the harsh cell phone rang.

Lu Jingming's words were interrupted, he was slightly stunned.

Chacha lowered her eyes and glanced at her phone, oh, it was Fengluo.

She tilted her head and thought, "Take your time, think about how to say it, and then tell me, I'll answer the phone first, don't be nervous..."

When the words fell, she turned around.

Thinking about it, Feng Luo called her at this time, and she didn't know what happened.

woo, is there something wrong again?

The weak and weak Fengluo...not even a thief can catch up.

Cha Cha hurriedly pressed to answer.

"Hello? Fengluo? What's wrong with you?" she asked.

Lu Jingming looked at the departing figure with mixed feelings.

Oh, Fengluo is calling!

His No. 1 rival in love.

He pursed his lips, did not speak, and quietly looked at Cha Cha's figure.

The conversation between the two, he couldn't hear very clearly.

But this moment.

He suddenly woke up.

I had already decided to take it slow.

But just now, I almost couldn't control myself because of that post, and I almost said what I was thinking.

This kind of thing... It should be a shock to his little roommate, right?

Well, after all that said, I still can't scare the little roommate.

He can't be messed up and messed up his plans because of an inexplicable post!

Obsidian-like eyes filled with determination.


Cha Cha hung up the phone.

It turns out that Xue Chui was Fengluo's suitor, because Fengluo was close to her, so she went to the forum to maliciously spread rumors...

woo, it doesn't matter, I just learned a lesson anyway.

Fengluo also apologized to her and invited her to dinner in the evening.

Chacha wanted to refuse.

Nai He Fengluo talked about the Internet cafe again and again.

She agreed not to go to the Internet cafe, but she went to the Internet cafe with Lu Jingming. It sounds like Feng Luo is very aggrieved.

Cha Cha sighed, forget it, take Lu Jingming along by the way.

She walked over to Lu Jingming and asked softly, "Have you thought about what to say?"

"Actually, it's nothing. Thinking about it now, it doesn't seem worth mentioning." Lu Jingming lowered his head subconsciously.

After he finished speaking, he quickly looked up at Cha Cha.

Her eyes were clear, translucent and clean.

This appearance made him feel more and more like a beast...

Chacha sighed, and didn't ask any further questions.

Since what he said is not worth mentioning, it seems... she is not very good at continuing to ask.

Immediately afterwards, she told Fengluo what she wanted to invite to dinner.

Lu Jingming frowned and wanted to refuse.

As if thinking of something, he nodded with a smile on his lips.

"I know there is a crayfish, it tastes very good, do you want to try it?"

Hearing this, Cha Cha nodded happily, "Okay, okay! Let's get ready, I'll send a message to Fengluo and ask her to come out now!"

Lu Jingming's eyes were full of doting, "Okay."

It was obviously not dinner time, she opened her mouth, and he naturally wanted to cooperate.

Since he learned that his little roommate likes to eat all kinds of food, Lu Jingming has also put a lot of effort into eating.

(end of this chapter)