Chapter 580: sorry i'm a girl (37)

Chapter 580 Sorry, I'm a Girl (37)

Chacha is stunned.

How did    develop into what it is now?

She couldn't understand.

When she quickly ran to Feng Luo, she slowed down and walked over slowly.

At that time.

Feng Luo was standing on the spot, her eyes were red.

Cha Cha sighed heavily, and like a child who made a mistake, he took small steps to get close.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." She apologized in a low voice, very sincere.

This matter, no matter what, she is sorry for Feng Luo.

Fengluo stared blankly at Cha Cha, who was scared away by her and quickly came back.

A wry smile appeared on his face.

"I caused you trouble, and now I want you to apologize..."

Cha Cha raised his head and looked at her firmly.

"No, it's my fault, it has nothing to do with you."

She frowned, as if thinking about how to explain it to Fengluo.

What material, Fengluo seems to have drilled the tip of a bull's horn.

"I'm not good enough." If I were a little more perfect, maybe there was a chance.

As usual, the eyes with starlight are full of gloom.

Chacha tilted her head to think about it when she saw Fengluo's appearance.

Fengluo must have been hit hard, right?

Forget it, she should just say it directly, this will probably make Feng Luo feel better.

Cha Cha took a step forward, his face full of seriousness.

"It's better to clarify this matter."

Fengluo was stunned and looked at her in surprise.

Isn’t it clear?

Why can't she understand?

Chacha, "I'm sorry, in fact, I, I'm a girl..."

Because of her guilty conscience, her voice was very low.

Fengluo looked at her with a shocked expression, "What did you just say?"

She trembled and asked again with uncertainty.

Cha Cha repeated patiently and well, "I'm a girl."

Fengluo, "..."

Fengluo stared at Chacha, as if she couldn't accept it. She shook her head and couldn't believe it, "You don't have to say such ridiculous words in order to reject me."

Chacha, "I am indeed a girl." I'm really not lying.

When she said that, she carefully observed Fengluo again.

Originally wanted to kidnap Lu Jingming, but in the end, Fengluo cutie was kidnapped? ? ?

Chacha is puzzled.

secretly pondered, if the system changed the quest to capture Fengluo, then she could end the quest happily.

Qiqi, […Chacha, it’s not time to dream. 】

Please forgive your male protagonist...

Your male protagonist is still waiting for you.

for a long time.

Feng Luo Jian Cha Cha really doesn't seem to be lying.

She blinked, and the next second, she burst into tears.

Chacha, "..." I'm a little flustered and a little overwhelmed.

Why are you crying?

"You, don't cry..." I can't coax people, let alone girls...

Hearing Chacha's voice, Fengluo cried even more fiercely.

chacha, “…”

Do you want to knock people unconscious?

That way, Fengluo will stop crying.

Qiqi, [...Chacha, you are a person! 】

Chacha, "??? Obviously the system didn't ask my opinion, so it gave me such an identity, I...I'm also wronged..."

She pouted and hummed twice.

Seven Seven, 【…………】

Although I am very afraid that the host will cry.

However, in its impression, Cha Cha has never cried.

So, it doesn't worry that Chacha will really shed tears...

"It's okay, don't worry."

A gentle voice fell on Cha Cha's ear.

She turned her head and saw Lu Jingming coming.

Lu Jingming stretched out his hand to hold her wrist, and glanced down at Fengluo, who was crying so badly.

He said in a very good mood, "Chacha, it's getting late, let's go eat."

(end of this chapter)