Chapter 584: sorry i'm a girl (41)

Chapter 584 Sorry, I'm a Girl (41)

suddenly mentioned this topic, and so bluntly pointed out.

Lu Jingming froze all over, his face changed and changed, and he was a little afraid to look at Chacha.

He looks like this.

made Cha Cha frowned, thinking about when he had a problem.

She thinks that she has a good disguise...

Even Fengluo came to confess to her.

for a long time.

Lu Jingming said crampedly.

"The night you were drunk."

chacha, “…”

It seems that drunkenness is really a mistake.

She tilted her head and stared at Lu Jingming for a while.

Since he knew that she was a girl the day he was drunk, he had deliberately come to her side and slept with her in the same bed these days.

Look back a little and think about Lu Jingming's performance these days.

There was a faint guess in her heart.

Cha Cha took a step forward and came to Lu Jingming.

"I'm asking you a question." The voice was no longer hidden, it sounded soft and glutinous.

Lu Jingming was taken aback, "You ask."

He looked at Cha Cha's face and searched carefully on her face to make sure there was no trace of anger.

There was barely a hint of worry in his eyes.

Originally, he thought she would be very angry.

I didn't expect it to be so peaceful...

Cha Cha pondered carefully, as if he didn't know how to speak.

Finally, simply.

"You don't move."

After she finished speaking, she stretched out her hands, wrapped around Lu Jingming's neck, and hung it halfway over him.

Isn't he against girls?

She tried it to see if he would push her away if she hugged him.

After waiting for a while, Cha Cha found that Lu Jingming didn't respond.

quietly tilted his head and glanced at Lu Jingming.

asked uncertainly.

"Are you really not pushing me away?"

's soft voice, with a bit of doubt, was vaguely a little uneasy.

Lu Jingming, who had been sluggish for a long time, froze again when he heard her voice.

Sensing her movement, he almost subconsciously held the person in his arms.

for a long time.

He buried himself in her neck and muttered.

"I can't wait to hold you in my arms every day, why are you willing to push you away?"

Cha Cha paused.

Reluctant to push her away!

Coincidentally, she was reluctant to push him away.

is... just that he was holding him a little tight, and she was a little breathless.

She freed one hand, patted his back, and said softly like a child, "Lu Jingming, let go a little first, I... can't breathe."

Hearing this, Lu Jingming released her immediately, staring at her nervously for a while.

"Are you stupid, you can't breathe, didn't you know I should have said it earlier?"

The slender fingers with distinct phalanx curled slightly and tapped her little head.

Chacha shook his head, "It's okay."

Seeing how serious you are, I don’t have the nerve to disturb you.

The little roommate is outrageous.

Round eyes, black and white.

Occasionally mixed with a little mist, it is moist, just terrible.

Lu Jingming lowered his head and pushed the person against the wall.

His dark eyes filled with an emotion that Cha Cha could not understand.

"You... um."

The words just came out, but he blocked them all back.


Cha Cha covered her mouth, her moist eyes full of grievances.

She stared at Lu Jingming accusingly for a few seconds, and angrily pushed him out of the bathroom.

The bathroom door was slammed shut.

Cha Cha immediately locked the door neatly.

The pretty little face is full of blush at the moment...

Outside the door.

Lu Jingming was in a very good mood, and there were smiles between his eyebrows and eyes.

While Chacha was taking a bath, he found his mobile phone and made a call.

Chacha put on pajamas, and glanced at the corset he brought over, oh, it seems that you can't use this in the bedroom now?

(end of this chapter)