Chapter 588: sorry i'm a girl (45)

Chapter 588 Sorry, I'm a Girl (45)

Not long after moving out of the dormitory.

Fengluo called Chacha.

asked her what happened, I haven't seen her downstairs in the bedroom recently.

Cha Cha pondered.

The distance between    and Feng Luo should be widened.

If one day, Fengluo can't think about it, and runs over to confess, it won't be very good.

So, she said honestly.

"I live outside the school with Lu Jingming now."

Fengluo, "???" living outside?

The two live together again?

and many more.

Feng Luo was slightly startled, and instantly sighed like an old father, "In other words, Lu Jingming knows you are a girl, and since he knows you are a girl, he still abducts you outside?

Chacha, the outside world is very dangerous, you must know that many boys, most of the time, are not serious, you have to protect yourself and not let him take advantage of..."

"You think I'm not serious?" A cold voice came through the phone.

Feng Luo shivered all over her body.

"Lu, Lu Jingming..."

Isn't she talking to Chacha? Why did it become Lu Jingming who answered the phone again?

Feng Luo hung up the phone with trembling hands.

patted her little heart in fear.

Ow, it's horrible!

Chacha's cuteness is probably not enough for Lu Jingming to stick between his teeth.

Cha Cha twisted his clothes with both hands, feeling a little guilty.

Fengluo said bad things about him and was heard.

She glanced at the phone that she had been robbed, and always felt that the next second, the phone would be sacrificed.

after awhile.

Lu Jingming raised his hand and rubbed her little head.

A short hairy hair... Tsk, it looks particularly annoying now, "Cha Cha, keep your hair long, okay?"

"Huh?" Cha Cha raised her head, confused.

A look of surprise flashed in his round eyes.

Do you have long hair?

Didn't he talk about Fengluo?

She thought for a while, then raised her hand and scratched her short hair, and said aggrieved, "I-I want to have long hair too..."

If it wasn't for the system, how could she have short hair?


Lu Jingming looked at the cute and cute Cha Cha, and suddenly felt that what Feng Luo said made sense.

He reckoned that no matter how serious a person is, when they encounter his tea, they will probably become dishonest, right?

So, in order not to let the little baby harm other boys.

He must first take people into his palm.

The corners of his lips, which were pursed tightly, raised a touch of arc.

He chuckled and stretched out his hand to pick up the person. Not only did the little girl look petite, but she was really light and light.

As if standing there, a gust of wind can blow people away.

Cha Cha exclaimed and wrapped his hands around his neck subconsciously.

"What are you doing?" She was stunned.

In broad daylight, how can I hug you?

His beautiful black and white eyes were full of surprise and confusion.

The pretty face is well-behaved and soft.

Lu Jingming was a complete mess.

The dark ink eyes overflowed with a smile, and for a while, they shone brightly, as if a star flashed by.

Chacha opened his eyes, but he was fascinated by his appearance.

The profile of the side face is perfect, and the temperament is indifferent and cold.

But at some point, it can perfectly switch to another look.

Like now.

He carried Chacha onto the bed.

Then he left, and he quickly closed the curtains, the boy's body was full of danger and urgency.

Cha Cha looked at the boy who was about to turn into a big bad wolf and rushed over, so frightened, he hurriedly grabbed the quilt.


The quilt just pulled a corner.

Someone rushed over with agility and whispered something in her ear.

Cha Cha stared at him dumbfounded, "..."

he he he...

Fengluo is right, indeed... not serious.

(end of this chapter)