Chapter 592: Villains please be gentle (3)

Chapter 592 The villain, please be gentle (3)


Chacha seems to have thought of something.

"Qiqi, then I just taught those few people a lesson, does that count as indirectly protecting Gu Qichen?"

Qiqi was silent for a while.

【It’s okay. 】

The level of the host by mistake seems to be getting more and more powerful...

"Then what shall I do next?"

Chacha took out a small snack from the bag, and asked in a low voice while tearing the bag.

[Of course, I'm going to find Gu Qichen! 】

[You think, Gu Qichen just smashed Gu Qihuai's engagement banquet, what if Gu Qihuai attacked Gu Qichen? 】

Cha Cha paused while holding a snack.

"I think what you said makes sense."

The girl tilted her head, and when she passed the chaotic hall, she quickened her pace and walked outside.

"Chacha, where are you going?"

A voice stopped Cha Cha's footsteps.

She turned her head and looked at the source of the voice.

Oh, Xue Cha's mother.

Xue's mother's dress is full of extravagance.

Diamonds and jade embellishments, at first glance, it is a lady who is not short of money.

That face was also very well maintained, and there was no sign of being in his forties at all.

Chacha said softly, "I'll go out for a walk."

Mother Xue walked towards her with a bad face, "What are you going to do? Go see your sister when you have time. If something like this happens, how sad your sister will be!"

As Mother Xue's voice fell, several ladies who had just spoken with Mother Xue also looked in their direction.

Chacha thought for a while and said puzzled.

"At times like this, shouldn't it be my brother-in-law comforting my sister? If I go now, it will disturb them to cultivate their feelings."

She blinked, turned and ran away quickly.

Leaving behind a confused mother Xue.

Xue's mother's eyes crossed with surprise, let Xinning develop a relationship with Gu Qihuai?

Is this still what her second daughter said?

Chacha ran out of the hotel in a hurry.

And seven or seven, it finally worked.

【Chacha, Gu Qichen has an accident, go and help him! I will show you the way! 】

When Chacha followed Qiqi's directions and came to the back of the hotel, he saw Gu Qichen surrounded by a bunch of men in black.

Cha Cha was so moved that he almost cried.


Her family, Qiqi, finally worked.

is no longer the two fools who can point the way wrong.

Seven Seven, 【…………】

I think, Chacha, if you bully me like this again, I will continue to be autistic.

Chacha, "Good Qiqi, why didn't you upgrade earlier?"

If she leveled up earlier, she would definitely be able to avoid a lot of detours.

Qiqi, [...I don't think now is the time to discuss this issue. Look at Gu Qichen in front of you, doesn't he look like a poor little one? Being surrounded by a bunch of people in black and being slaughtered, alas, it's too miserable. 】

The voice of    just fell.

Cha Cha saw the 'Little Pity' surrounded by people not far away, and kicked the man in black, who was a little closer to him, to the ground.

chacha, “…”

Seven-seven, […]

One person is unified and silent at the same time.

This kind of lethality needs protection from others?

Cha Cha was lost in thought.

I suddenly felt that this mission either has other meanings, or... the person who issued this mission is an idiot...

Xiao Pity is dressed in a black suit, slender and tall, with an indifferent temperament, and his body exudes an aura called danger.

Even the profile of the side face is a bit cold.

Of course, this is just the first glimpse of him, Chacha's impression of him.

Next second.

She saw with her own eyes that Gu Qichen, whom Qiqi called a poor little girl, burst out with great lethality.

(end of this chapter)