Chapter 595: Villains please be gentle (6)

Chapter 595 The villain, please be gentle (6)

The atmosphere between the two was strangely awkward.

after awhile.

The little girl said in a muffled voice, "I'll go out, wait for me."

Leaving this sentence behind, Cha Cha quickly got out of the car and ran towards not far away.

Gu Qichen lowered the car window and followed his gaze.

The little girl was full of vigor, she ran like a little wild cat, she was cute and cute.

And he...

just killed her...

Gu Qichen lowered his head, a little annoyed.

When he raised his head again, he found that the little girl who was in sight just now had disappeared.

He frowned, his emotions indescribably complicated.

Oh, the first time he met her, he not only murdered her, he might even frighten her.

Therefore, it is normal for the little girl to leave him alone and leave alone.

After all, in this circle, who doesn't know that Gu Qichen has a volatile temper?

As long as he has a precious daughter at home, no one wants to let her approach him.

And she appeared at the Xue family's engagement banquet again, her identity was definitely not an ordinary little girl, she was white, obedient and soft, and her temperament was very simple.

Gu Qichen lowered his eyelashes, getting more and more annoyed.

Almost something is breaking out of the bottom of my heart.

He raised his hand and pressed his chest hard, he had forgotten how old he was when he became like this.

He is different from others. His mood swings and changes are not under his own control at all.

The irritability and anger seem to be innate.

Whenever there is a little bit of dissatisfaction, it will be rapidly magnified in the heart.

That arrogance devoured him like a demon.

Even, it will devour his sanity.

People outside said he was a lunatic, and even the people in the Gu family thought he was a lunatic...

How could the old man of the Gu family hand over the company to such a lunatic?

In their eyes, he was an uncontrolled bomb.

And just now, he actually wanted to take a step closer to that little girl...

is simply whimsical.

I'm afraid that the little girl wants to stay away from him.

Maybe he was frightened by him just now, so he just got out of the car and ran away...

He lowered his head, and for the first time had a crush on a little girl, as if the result was not very good.

decadent room.

The door was opened.

A man sat beside him in a trance.

It wasn't until the soft voice sounded that Gu Qichen regained his senses and looked up at the little girl sitting in the co-pilot in astonishment.

"You..." As soon as he opened his mouth, he noticed that his voice was a little hoarse, and subconsciously he didn't say any more.

Chacha glanced at him suspiciously, stretched out his hand and took his right hand.

"You hurt your hand, didn't you see it?"

Just as she was about to take out the gauze, she froze for a moment, frowning unhappily, "I left for a while, why is your hand serious again? What did you do?"

There was a little blood on her knuckles before she left.

And now, it seems as if he is good at hitting somewhere again.

Gu Qichen didn't answer, and bowed his head a little guilty.

Maybe it's because of the confusion of consciousness, so I slammed on the steering wheel.

Seeing that he didn't want to answer, Cha Cha didn't say much, and helped him disinfect with very light movements, and then wrapped it in gauze.

However, the technology of Chacha is obviously not very good.

Leng wrapped that hand into a zongzi.

The little girl blinked, stretched out her finger, and poked the meat dumpling.

"Does it hurt?"

Gu Qichen shook his head, "It doesn't hurt."

This is just a small injury, he has long been used to it.

She was the only one who would be so nervous.

is ridiculous.

When he was in the house, no one cared about him even if he was injured.

(end of this chapter)