Chapter 607: Villains please be gentle (18)

Chapter 607 The villain, please be gentle (18)

Chacha nodded obediently.

What Gu Qichen said really makes sense, but...

always felt that something was wrong.

All the doubts in his mind were dispelled after seeing Gu Qichen's mood improving.

She originally wanted to accuse Gu Qichen of his behavior.

Without her consent, he moved his hands and feet indiscriminately.

However, before the words were spoken, he changed the subject.

Cha Cha glanced at Gu Qichen's smiling face and said to himself: It's really not easy to see his smile from the heart.

was taken advantage of...forget it.

Next time, she will take it back.

She lowered her head, thought for a while, and then slowly climbed down from him, trying to return to her own position.

As a result, he has not returned to his position.

She was carried by Gu Qichen again and dragged back.

Chacha, "..." Why was he able to lift her up so easily in this plane?

This is not normal…

Qiqi, [Chacha, this plane is the plane of collapse, so Gu Qichen's strength is a little bit stronger than before. After all, he has used his strength to smash things, and he has already smashed things from small to big.

Even if you don’t have much strength, it’s time to exercise. 】

Seventy-seven kindly explained.

Cha Cha shuddered when he heard it.

He shouldn't treat her as a thing and smash it?

Thinking like this, she turned her head, stared at Gu Qichen with wet eyes for a while, and tugged at the corner of his shirt with her little hand.

"Gu Qichen, next time you are unhappy and want to smash something, be sure to tell me."

I try to stay as far away as possible.

What should I do if it hits me?

Seven Seven, 【…………】

Gu Qichen raised his hand and rubbed her little head again, "Don't be afraid."

He wouldn't smash things in front of her.

was reluctant to scare her.

Realizing that he had such an idea, Gu Qichen was stunned and lost his mind.

After dinner.

Cha Cha Wo rested on the sofa for a while.

Seeing that it was getting darker and darker outside, she slowly got up, then said hello to Gu Qichen, "I'm going home!"

Gu Qichen's eyelids moved, he didn't answer her words, and looked at her lightly.

He didn't nod, and Cha Cha didn't dare to turn his head and leave.

No way, who made Gu Qichen in this plane vulnerable!

In case she ran away, he would be irritable all by himself.

When Chacha thought he wouldn't answer her after a long time, Gu Qichen lowered his head and said in a low voice, "I'll take you back."

Cha Cha sat in the co-pilot.

turned his head and glanced at Gu Qichen who was driving.

Under the weak light, his profile was perfect, and Qing Jun's face seemed to be silently shrouded in a layer of indifference.

Gu Qichen followed her line of sight.

Looking at each other, Gu Qichen's eyes seemed to be suppressing something.

"Look at me again, you won't be able to leave today."

After saying this, he turned his head, his eyes darkened.

's slender fingers with well-defined knuckles tugged at the neckline, and he pulled two of the meticulous buttons that he always buttoned, and even the faint breath around him gradually became dangerous.

Cha Cha instinctively shrank, and then withdrew his gaze.

Ow, can't even look at it, okay, she remembered it.

for a long time.

Cha Cha heard a faint laughter from Gu Qichen in a trance, she subconsciously wanted to take a look at Gu Qichen, and then thought of his warning, tangled for a while, and slowly put her little hand into her pocket, looking for her little boy. snack.

"..." Oh, all her snacks were given to Gu Qichen, she had no more snacks...

(end of this chapter)