Chapter 614: Villains please be gentle (25)

Chapter 614 The villain, please be gentle (25)

Cha Cha blinked and looked at Mother Xue obediently.

"That's what you see!"

Mother Xue frowned and became even more puzzled, "I saw the two of you walking very close, don't tell me, you know him very well, and don't tell me what you think of him!"

Who doesn't know that Gu Qichen is a lunatic?

The youngest daughter is so close to him, as a mother, she will not have to worry and be scared to death in the future?

Cha Cha was taken aback for a moment, "Mother is amazing!"

was actually seen?

Is    that obvious?

Cha Cha smiled a little embarrassedly.

Mother Xue, "..." An ominous premonition suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, Cha Cha whispered, "However, my mother only guessed half of it right. Gu Qichen and I just met yesterday, and we're not very familiar yet."

Mother Xue felt a little dazed.

Indistinctly, she heard her own voice, "Then I guess right..."

"I do have an idea for Gu Qichen!" Cha Cha's eyebrows and eyes curled up, expressing her meaning very frankly.

She just had an idea for Gu Qichen, not only to protect him, but also to abduct him home.

Mother Xue and Father Xue were obviously dissatisfied with Gu Qichen.

Therefore, she had to say it outright first, which was considered a vaccination for the two of them.

Province later she abducted people home, Xue's father and Xue's mother couldn't bear the blow...

Chacha is full of confidence, and only thinks that he is really too powerful, and even thinks clearly about the future.

After   's trance, Mother Xue's steps were unsteady, and there was a faint tendency to faint.

Cha Cha quickly supported Mother Xue and let her sit down.

"Are you feeling unwell? I'm going to call the doctor."

When the words were over, she stood up and was about to walk out.

Mother Xue grabbed her wrist, "Chacha, are you serious?"

It is clear that the youngest daughter has an idea for Gu Qihuai, but in the blink of an eye, she has an idea for Gu Qichen?

Although she hoped that her little daughter would stop thinking about Gu Qihuai as soon as possible, but it wasn't like that!

Mother Xue felt a sudden increase in blood pressure.

Chacha nodded, a little surprised, "Yes."

Immediately, he repeated, "I'm really serious, I do have ideas about Gu Qichen, you wait for me to abduct him home!"

In order to prevent Xue’s mother from misunderstanding or misunderstanding, Cha Cha expressed her exact thoughts very seriously.

Mother Xue, "..." She only felt that her whole body was not well.

for a long time.

She asked with a sullen face, "Don't you have an idea for Gu Qihuai? Why... how did it become so fast?"

There are so many excellent men in the circle, why does the youngest daughter have to fight with the Gu family?

Cha Cha's face changed, full of surprise.

"Gu Qihuai? How could I possibly have thoughts about Gu Qihuai? I'm not blind!"

As soon as the    voice fell, Cha Cha immediately realized that this sentence was not quite right.

hurriedly explained, "Wow, I didn't mean my sister was blind, I didn't mean that..." Ouch, it seemed to get darker and darker.

She really felt that Xue Xinning was blind.

Mother Xue sighed again and again, now is not the time to care about this.

"Chacha, I don't object to your free love. My father and I only have two daughters, you and Xinning. It's enough to earn enough money. I never thought about letting you go into business like Xinning and other daughters. Get married, marry someone you don't like.

However, you can't give me such a big shock as soon as you come up!

Is Gu Qichen someone you can control?

His temper, in case one day starts, are you an opponent? If something happens to you, what should I do with your father? "

(end of this chapter)