Chapter 628: Villains please be gentle (39)

Chapter 628 The villain, please be gentle (39)

Gu Qichen walked over slowly, took Cha Cha's hand, turned and walked into the cloakroom.

Chacha, "..." still let me choose?

But, I don't have any clothes, what should I choose?

Next second.

Chacha saw that it was full of new and various women's clothes.

She was stunned, and quickly realized something.

Gu Qichen bent down, found a pair of rabbit slippers from inside, and put them at Chacha's feet.

"Change shoes first."

"Yeah." Cha Cha nodded obediently, with a slight smile on her face.

is quite careful.

As soon as she put on her shoes, she saw that Gu Qichen was holding the same pajamas she was wearing at Xue's house.

It looks the same size.

Cha Cha's face flushed, and she reached out to take it. She lowered her head and hummed softly, "You are so well prepared, what if I don't come back to the apartment?"

Gu Qichen stretched out his hand and put the man in his arms, "Isn't this coming?"

Chacha, "..." OK, you are amazing.

She carried her pajamas into the bathroom.

She didn't know, the moment she closed the door, Gu Qichen's expression sank, and the bottom of his eyes was deep, like an invisible abyss.

He wouldn't tell her that if she didn't come back, he might have taken her to this apartment...

However, he wouldn't say such words, it would scare her.

It's good now.


Cha Cha slept in Gu Qichen's apartment for one night.

The next day, it was just dawn.

The phone was almost blown up by Mother Xue.

She pressed the answer in a daze, and before she could say anything, she was scolded by Mother Xue for a while.

"You're a girl, how can you go out with Gu Qichen? You haven't come back all night? Xue Cha, you're bold, right? Do you have any brains? You're not even sure about your relationship with him, so you just ran out. you………………"

Cha Cha rubbed his eyes, and silently placed his mobile phone far away from him.

even so.

Mother Xue's voice still clearly reached her ears.

For a long time, the voice over there barely stopped until Mother Xue said she was tired.

Cha Cha turned around and found that Gu Qichen was not in the apartment.

She scratched her hair, guessing she was going to buy breakfast.

Well, she washes up first and can have breakfast later.

When    went to the bathroom, Cha Cha suddenly remembered that Mother Xue's phone hadn't been hung up, she walked over and said softly.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, don't worry, I'll go back after breakfast."

Cha Cha calmed down a few words.

On the other side, there was Father Xue coaxing next to Mother Xue.

This anger barely subsided.

"After breakfast, bring Gu Qichen back!" Abandoning these words, Mother Xue hung up the phone.

Chacha, "..." Take it back with you, anyway, Mother Xue didn't dare to scold Gu Qichen.

Gu Qichen looked very fierce when he stood there!

Sure enough, there are advantages to being fierce!

Xue Family.

Mother Xue was so angry that she beat and beat Father Xue again.

"Why didn't you stop people last night? Watching them leave together in front of you???"

Father Xue, "..." Young, pitiful, and helpless.

Daughter runs too fast, he is too old to keep up!

Besides, it was his daughter who ran with Gu Qichen.


What can he do?

He was very sad.

Xue Xinning was a little stunned when she passed by them.

She almost heard their conversation.

Did   Cha Cha and Gu Qichen progress so fast?

It seems, a little bit beyond her expectations...

She interrupted the two of them aloud, in a low voice.

"Mom and Dad, I won't be back at noon, so I made an appointment with Qihuai. I won't eat breakfast first, and I'll be with him for lunch."

(end of this chapter)