Chapter 630: Villains please be gentle (41)

Chapter 630 The villain, please be gentle (41)

Xue Xinning thought for a while.

whispered, "The two of them should be together."

She can't figure out her sister's temper now.

If it was before, my sister would never drag a man out in front of her father.

But now, not only did it.

also ran out overnight and did not return.

She suddenly felt as if all the people were changing, only she was still standing still.

Gu Qihuai heard Xue Xinning's words, and further confirmed the relationship between the two.

Since Gu Qichen brought his weakness to the door, don't blame him for being rude.

Want to turn over?

Want to be happy?

It's impossible in this life!

Gu Qihuai asked a few more casually.

Xue Xinning clearly felt that he was interested in Gu Qichen and Chacha.

At the very least, he has a lot more interest than other things.

She also responded with a few words.

Anyway, according to the current situation, Gu Qichen and Cha Cha are probably very likely to be together. If they are really together, it can be regarded as a kiss.


Xue Xinning suddenly thought of the Gu Group.

She glanced at Gu Qihuai subconsciously, the Gu Group is now in Gu Qihuai's hands.

And most people in the circle think that Gu Qichen and Gu Qihuai have a bad relationship.

If Gu Qichen really married Cha Cha, what would he do in the future?

Oh, isn't it going to be a mess again?

After all, Gu Qihuai now holds the Gu Group, and Gu Qichen... was kicked out of the Gu Group.

She frowned. Before, she never asked about the Gu Group, nor about Gu Qihuai's work.

And now, Xue Xinning just felt that things were too involved.

Turning back, she went to ask her father again.

is his own sister in the end, and I hope that the person my sister will marry in the future will have a smooth career and make her happy and worry-free...


When   Cha Cha took Gu Qichen back to Xue's house, it was already morning.

Mother Xue this time, she just glanced at Gu Qichen lightly, then her face darkened, and she didn't say a word.

Cha Cha rolled her round eyes and walked to Mother Xue.

whispered softly and softly, "I'm back!"

Mother Xue snorted and ignored her.

As long as she thinks that her daughter and Gu Qichen haven't returned overnight, she can't wait to take a knife and look at Gu Qichen.

Humph, Gu Qichen stupefied her cute little daughter!

How good her daughter used to be!

took a look, and my heart was about to melt.

Cha Cha blinked, and approached Mother Xue, holding her sleeve with her little hand and shaking it, as cute as she wanted.

Mother Xue sighed.

What can she do?

The little daughter is cute and cute, and she is especially good at acting like a spoiled child.

She can't scold her little daughter fiercely, can she?

Can't scold or hit.

As for Gu Qichen, the culprit, she can't scold her. If she scolds or hits her, she is afraid that her family's tea will be very distressed.

Maybe you have to kiss,,, hug to coax Gu Qichen...

Thinking of this possibility, Mother Xue felt bad.

She sat on the sofa, secretly depressed.

Depressed for a while, she glared at Father Xue hatefully.

Father Xue, "..." Young, pitiful, and helpless.

No way, who made his family status so low?

He sighed.

waved towards Cha Cha, leaving the space for Mother Xue and Gu Qichen.

I guess it would be better for the two of them to have a good talk now.

Before Cha Cha left, he glanced at Gu Qichen again and motioned to him with his eyes: Have a good chat!

Gu Qichen nodded, he naturally knew the importance of this conversation.

He will definitely let Mother Xue see his sincerity...

(end of this chapter)