Chapter 636: Villains please be gentle (47)

Chapter 636 The villain, please be gentle (47)

Qiqi thought for a while.

It's pondering, or it's better for it to pamper Chacha to the sky.

It wants to be a pet host system.

Since it can't be petted, then it will pet Chacha.


Qiqi suddenly discovered something.

While it was stunned, its Chacha was kidnapped by Gu Qichen again.

Seven Seven, 【…………】


When Cha Cha followed Gu Qichen to the Xue Group.

The whole person is dumbfounded.

She didn't know why, so she promised Gu Qichen to come to the company with him.

Just now, she was pampering Qichen and asking him to hug her.

Then he was abducted by him to the company in a confused way.

woo, she was abducted before she had breakfast.

She tilted her head to look at Gu Qichen in confusion, not quite understanding his behavior.

Gu Qichen reached out and touched the little girl's fluffy head.

"Baby, I've been in the company for almost a month, but you haven't come to the company to see me, so stay with me for a day today, okay?"

Cha Cha nodded dizzily.

woo, when a man looks at you with sweet, drowning eyes, and that man is very good-looking, he smiles all over the can't move away at a glance.

Probably, no matter what he said, the other party would nod softly.

It was not until Gu Qichen took her into the Xue family that Chacha's reason reluctantly returned to the cage.

"..." She glanced at her little hand that was tightly held by Gu Qichen, and sighed to herself, her beauty was misleading, and this was true.


It's not that she doesn't come to the company.

She was just afraid that coming to the company would bring him trouble, and that she would make him unable to concentrate on work.

That's why I haven't come to the company.

Now, Gu Qichen coaxed her over.

She guessed that it was not just that she wanted her to accompany him.

Something happened that she didn't know about.

The food in Xue's staff canteen is quite good.

At least, as soon as the tea came in, you could smell the fragrance.

She had never been to the staff cafeteria. This was the first time she had come here. She followed Gu Qichen dizzily.

As soon as she took a few steps, she noticed that many employees around her were looking in their direction.

Chacha, "???"

always feel that their eyes are strange.

Gu Qichen brought Chacha to an empty seat, "You wait here, I'll serve breakfast."

Chacha nodded obediently, "Okay."

After he turned and left, Cha Cha slowly took out the phone from his pocket and sent a message to Father Xue's assistant.

Soon, the assistant replied to Cha Cha.

And roughly said the situation.

Cha Cha was a little confused when he saw it.

She didn't expect that everyone in the company was discussing whether she broke up with Gu Qichen.

The reason is also strange: because she has never seen him at the company.

Chacha, "..." OK, this reason is really helpless.

However, Gu Qichen is not the kind of person who cares about other people's opinions. Because of this, she coaxed her into the company, she always felt that something was not right.

However, this doubt, which only existed for a few minutes, was solved by Chacha.

Because when she was waiting for Gu Qichen, she saw several female employees who came in through the side door and moved closer to Gu Qichen.

Especially with that look, he still glances at him from time to time.

Cha Cha quickly understood this matter.

Gu Qichen's temper is much better than before, and he has never been irritable.

So, here comes the problem.

Gu Qichen put his face in the crowd, and everyone had to stand aside.

The face alone, coupled with the natural temperament on his body, can make countless people rush to him.

Oh, that is to say, inadvertently, she has many, many rivals in love...


There will be about 70 chapters in the early morning tomorrow~

(end of this chapter)