Chapter 644: Villains please be gentle (55)

Chapter 644 The villain, please be gentle (55)

Gu Qihuai noticed Xue Xinning's displeasure, but didn't know why.

He stood there and stared at Xue Xinning for a while.

Seeing that she really didn't intend to pay attention to him, he had to sigh and turn away.

After Mr. Gu and Gu Qihuai left, the atmosphere of the Xue family was a little better.

Mother Xue and Father Xue looked at each other.

Talk to Xue Xinning and Gu Qichen respectively.

Cha Cha sat blankly on the sofa and was a little dazed, um, Father Xue called Gu Qichen away.

Mother Xue called Xue Xinning away.

She was the only one, no one shouted.

Chacha slowly took out a small snack from his pocket and whispered, "I think I've been ignored by them."

Qiqi explained, [It's not like this, I think it's because Chacha saves them worry, Chacha is a good boy who doesn't cause trouble and doesn't cause trouble! 】

Cha Cha, "makes sense."

Speak up.

She was quite surprised.

Xue Xinning seemed to have increased her IQ a little, and finally realized that there was something wrong with Gu Qihuai.

Hey, rare.

However, she still needs to wait until she finds suitable evidence and sends it to Xue Xinning's mobile phone, which is more suitable.


Let her tell Xue Xinning now?

No, she has no evidence.

If there is no evidence, it may be self-defeating.

She still prefers one-shot fatality.

Father Xue had nothing to say about   Gu Qichen's affairs, nothing more than a few words of comfort, and it was inconvenient for him to say extra.

Fortunately, Gu Qichen is a person who can handle it clearly.

Little things are not ambiguous.

And I like tea tea very much, it is very good for tea tea.

Father Xue is not worried at all.

Anyway, he also thought about the worst outcome, his Xue family could afford it.

Xue Xinning's situation was a bit difficult to handle.

Mother Xue sighed and asked about her and Gu Qihuai's situation. Anyone with eyes could see that there was something wrong with their relationship.

for a long time.

Xue Xinning said, "Mom, do you think I have feelings for him?"

Mother Xue was stunned for a moment, "Why do you think like this? Haven't you been with Gu Qihuai for a long time? They're already discussing the wedding, so why would you suddenly ask such a question?"

Xue Xinning shook her head, very distressed.

"I, I just feel that Gu Qihuai doesn't have me in his heart. And I don't seem to like him that much either."

"Silly boy, don't think too much, calm down first and let's talk slowly, this kind of thing can't be rushed, you must understand your heart."

Mother Xue sighed, reached out and patted her shoulder in a soft voice.

After all, she doesn't know the specific relationship between her daughter and Gu Qihuai, and she can't say some things casually, she can only wait for her daughter to say it slowly.

Xue Xinning lowered her eyes, her eyes were full of loss.

"Don't worry, I'm not impulsive, I think clearly.

During this period of time, I did not contact Gu Qihuai, nor did I take the initiative to find him, and then Gu Qihuai did not contact me or call me other than sending me a good night every night...

Although this doesn’t mean much, it’s clear that I’m not that important to him.

Perhaps, he really just completed a love task for me.

And I to him? It's probably just habit and dependence..."

is not inseparable from him.

In just a few days, she can change all the habits that Gu Qihuai brought to her!

Even after changing it, she didn't feel much.

Approximately, this has never been called love.

Seeing her daughter say such words, Mother Xue sighed.

"After a while, if you can be sure that you don't have any feelings for Gu Qihuai, I will ask your father to come forward to break the engagement."

Xue Xinning, "Okay."

(end of this chapter)