Chapter 654: Villains please be gentle (65)

Chapter 654 The villain, please be gentle (65)

However, Gu Qihuai did not expect it.

He hadn't had time to attack Gu Qichen.

He was stunned by the fact that the Xue family wanted to break up the engagement.

As soon as Xue Xinning returned to China, she threw such a bomb on him.

Gu Qihuai didn't care about anything else at all, so he hurriedly went to find Xue Xinning. He knew that Xue Xinning was throwing a tantrum, but he never thought that he would break off the engagement with him so decisively.

Unfortunately, Gu Qihuai didn't even see a figure.

Xue's father and Xue's mother, but he saw it.

In words, it is to say that the two are not suitable, that the relationship is not enough and so on.

Gu Qihuai was stunned.

Mr. Gu was very angry about the dissolution of the marriage contract and asked Gu Qihuai to find a way to restore it.

In desperation, Gu Qihuai had to stand in front of Xue's house for a day, asking to see Xue Xinning and tell her the reason.

Xue Xinning came out of the Xue family.

Her expression was light, nothing changed from before, but there were some slight changes.

"Gu Qihuai, don't come here, we are not suitable, let's get together and leave."

Gu Qihuai laughed, "It's not suitable? We are about to get married, you tell me it's not suitable? Besides, we still have a relationship for several years, so you want to send me away with such a frivolous sentence?

I don't accept it unless you give me a good reason. "

He thought he was meticulous to Xue Xinning.

Even if she got angry and went abroad this time, he didn't go to her, he really ignored her, but as for the dissolution of the engagement?

Xue Xinning calmly invited him into the Xue family.

In the living room, there were only the two of them.

She said lightly, "Do you have to have a reason?

Gu Qihuai, you don't like me.

For this reason, is it okay? "

Gu Qihuai was taken aback for a moment, then looked at her in astonishment.

"Do you think I don't like you enough?" In his opinion, he only finds this kind of reason extra ridiculous.

Like it or not, how can she be sure?

Xue Xinning, "It's not that I don't like it enough, it's that I've never liked it, Gu Qihuai, you only see the Gu Group and only work...

You treat me very seriously and very well.

But the feeling you give me, I can't feel sweetness, I only feel that you treat me like work.

If it is a task to fall in love and marry me, then you can get full marks for this task.

You did a great job and it was perfect, just... lack of love. "

If his fiancée were someone else, he would probably have done it perfectly...

Gu Qihuai seemed to have been splashed with a basin of cold water, and his whole body was cold.

He tried to explain, but unfortunately, he opened his mouth and said nothing.

She seems to be right...


The day after the conversation between the two ended.

The Xue family broke off the engagement with the Gu family.

Even if Mr. Gu disagreed, the Xue family was too determined, and they had to dissolve the marriage contract despite all the interests.

In desperation, I had to answer this matter.

So far.

Xue Xinning has no relationship with Gu Qihuai anymore.

And the couples who were once envied by many people in the circle have just dispersed. Some people regret it, others sigh.

The flavors of life are different.

For Xue Xinning, this is the end.

For Gu Qihuai, this is just the beginning.

After the dissolution of the marriage contract.

He himself also suffered a lot in the Gu family.

Many shareholders and high-level executives were very dissatisfied with him. In addition, he made mistakes in some decisions, resulting in heavy losses for the company.

Even the shareholders who once took him to the sky turned against him.

Those people originally valued interests, but now that the interests are gone, and they have also lost a part, it is naturally impossible to hold Gu Qihuai...

(end of this chapter)