Chapter 656 Extra Story

Father Xue learned that his daughter was proposed to marry him.

was stunned and ignored Gu Qichen for three days.

Gu Qichen, "..."

Well, he took away his father-in-law's good daughter, you should really be angry with him.

Later, Mother Xue couldn't stand it anymore and reprimanded Father Xue. It was impossible for her daughter to be under their noses all her life, and she would always get married.

What's more, before getting married, he started to lose his temper.

If this is a wedding, he won't have to run over to fight with Gu Qichen?

Father Xue was very dissatisfied at the end. The daughter he had raised for so many years was abducted, and he was not allowed to lose his temper? Why!

He's going to get angry!

chacha, “…”

She had to jump over with her short legs to coax her.

Father Xue who was coaxed, "..."

Forget it, listen to my good daughter, don't make trouble.

The wedding was held a month later.

Gu Qichen was afraid of hurting his little baby.

In order to prepare for the wedding, he took a month off. From the details to the design of the wedding, Gu Qichen personally checked, even if he could do it himself, he would do it himself.

Father Xue was very satisfied with this.

If he dares to wrong his daughter, let's see if he doesn't beat her to death!

A beautiful and delicate wedding dress is worn on Cha Cha.

The little girl's pretty face as white as jade is not stained with dust, and the white and holy veil covers her little head, like a little fairy who has fallen into the dust by mistake.

Gu Qichen's eyes were full of affection, and in such a huge world, only her was left in his eyes...

Xue's father and Xue's mother watched with tears.

The good daughter is married off.

After   , it belongs to someone else.

Inadvertently, the two saw their eldest daughter not far away.

Suddenly, my heart twitched again.

The eldest daughter broke off the engagement and was alone. Alas, they will have to worry about the eldest daughter in the future.

Xue Xinning looked at the wedding ceremony with a smile.

If she didn't break off the engagement with Gu Qihuai, she probably would have already put on her wedding dress.

She raised her eyes and looked at the dazzling sunlight, tears fell suddenly.

In a trance, she seemed to remember the first time she met Gu Qihuai.

Many years have passed.

That memory suddenly came like a tide.

At that time, Gu Qihuai was far from being as gentle and modest as jade.

In his youth, although Gu Qihuai had a calm temper and could stand his temper, he was still a teenager, and his eyes were a little more resolute and stubborn than today.

Going to that station is also a dazzling existence.

Later, he was gentle with everyone.

is serious about everyone.

It’s just that no one can see through that heart.

Xue Xinning smiled self-deprecatingly.

She told herself that she did not love Gu Qihuai.

Tell your parents to break the engagement.

told Gu Qihuai that they were not suitable.


She also had a longing for Gu Qihuai, she had fantasized about a grand romance, and she had hoped that her children would take care of her for the future...

There are some habits that can be quit, but not easy to forget.

Some people are like a thorn in the heart.

Sometimes, she would also think, if... Gu Qihuai had more affection for her, would she swallow all her dissatisfaction?

In a trance, I don't know who bumped her.

She was stunned, her thoughts returned to the cage.

She sighed mockingly.

Could it be that as you get older, your thoughts are also confused?

His eyes fell on Cha Cha, who was wearing a white wedding dress.

Well, my sister is married.

Be happy.

I think you will be happy.

Across the distance, she could feel the sweet and greasy love between the two.

(end of this chapter)