Chapter 659: I tease each other with the actor (3)

Chapter 659 Me and the actor tease each other (3)

A quick bell rang.

Chacha glanced at the caller ID and pressed answer.

"Grandpa? Do you have anything to do with me?"

she asked softly.

The old man who heard her voice snorted in dissatisfaction, "Why, can't I call you if it's nothing?"

Chacha, "I didn't say that!"

In fact, every time the old man called, she was used to it, so she asked directly what was the matter.

Father, "Go home for dinner at night!"

Cha Cha, "...good!" Pack up and go home for dinner.

Before hanging up, the old man started muttering again.

"Tell me about you, you don't have a job at hand, what are you doing in your apartment all day? Come back to see more when you have time...

Forget it, just move back in. "

Seeing that the old man was talking more and more, Cha Cha silently put down his mobile phone, got up and walked into the room to change clothes.

It's not that she doesn't go back to live.

But the words of the old man...too many.

The noise made her head hurt.

Living alone in an apartment is very clean.

Chacha told Xiaoxiao a few more words and left with the phone.

When I went out, the old man's words continued to come from the phone.

Chacha, "...I'm going to drive. For safety's sake, I'm going to hang up."

Father, "..."

Oh, it seems that there is still something to say, it is very important.

But, forget it, anyway, when the catecha comes back, I see the same.


When Cha Cha returned to Yan's house, there was a slight smile on his face.

Until she entered the door and heard the old man's laughter, she paused subconsciously in her footsteps, and then came a familiar and unfamiliar voice.

She had heard this voice countless times on her phone.

Emotional lines, or touching singing, or, indifferently answering reporters' questions...

Chacha whispered to Qiqi, "Qiqi, he's here."

Qiqi, [Hmph, come here, dog man, when you left, I left you and I depended on each other for life, and now it has appeared again and abused him! 】

Cha Cha, "...Did you read some strange novel?" Why does Qi Qi sound like Ye Shiran left his wife and children behind?

Seven-seven, […]

After Ye Shiran became an actor, he had to work hard, either joining the crew or running back and forth across the country. Occasionally, when he was free, he also visited Yan's house a few times.

It’s just that every time he comes and leaves in a hurry.

Unfortunately, the two have never met.

It can also be said that sometimes, Cha Cha is avoiding him on purpose.

Well, she admits she's stingy.

He left without a word at first, and when he disappeared, there was no news. Seeing him again was on a newly released movie.

Is it possible that she is not allowed to be a little temperamental?

Of course, besides that, she subconsciously felt that Ye Shiran might not like her.

If you like her very much, you should be very reluctant to leave.

She walked over slowly.

Before walking to the sofa, the conversation between the old man and Ye Shiran came to an abrupt end, and the two of them looked at her in unison.

Ye Shiran was not much different from what she saw on her phone.

The only difference is probably the emotion in the eyes, which is a bit warmer than those in the photos.

Oh, it looks better than the photo.

She tilted her head and looked at it for a while.

The old man coughed twice and reminded, "Chacha, come and see your brother Shiran, it's so far away that you can't see clearly!"

(end of this chapter)