Chapter 662: I flirt with the actor (6)

Chapter 662 Me and the actor are teasing each other (6)

Chacha looked at Ye Shiran softly, "Then how are you going to take me to see it?"

The little girl looked at him with moist eyes.

Ye Shiran raised his eyebrows and said mysteriously.

"I can't tell you yet."

chacha, “…”

I feel like you are kidding me.

She snorted twice, holding the snack and didn't look at her again.

The two of them chatted a few times, seemingly absent-mindedly.

When it was about dinner time, the old man came out of the study and ate with the two of them with a smile.

After dinner.

Cha Cha got up and went back to his apartment.

Ye Shiran also has to leave.

The old man seemed to remember something.

"It's very late, Chacha, since you have to go back, let Shiran take you there."

Chacha tilted his head to look at Ye Shiran and asked him to deliver it. He seemed a little embarrassed, and he didn't know if he was busy, but he should be busy?

Before she could say anything, Ye Shiran nodded, "Okay."

Cha Cha said again before he left, "Then grandpa, remember to have my car drive to my apartment."

The old man ignored her and pretended not to hear.

chacha, “…”

She followed Ye Shiran into the car and reported an address.

Ye Shiran's speed is not fast, just right and stable.

Cha Cha sat in the co-pilot and glanced at the neon bustling outside the car window from time to time.


She stared at the car behind her in astonishment.

Always feel that something is wrong.

She tilted her head to look at Ye Shiran, "Do you think someone is following us?"

Ye Shiran nodded, "Did you find out? You're vigilant. It should be some paparazzi who came with you. Just sit tight and I'll get rid of them."

He originally wanted to get rid of the person, and he didn't tell Cha Cha, for fear of scaring her, but she didn't expect that she would find out so quickly.

Cha Cha, "Mmmm."

Ye Shiran quickened his speed and turned around twice to get rid of the person.

This kind of thing seems to be handy.

she sighed.

It is estimated that Ye Shiran will be followed wherever he goes. This kind of life must be quite tiring, right? There's no privacy at all, and he's so adept at throwing off paparazzi.

Probably often encountered.

Seeing that Chacha didn't speak, Ye Shiran slowed down his voice.

"Did you scare you just now?"

"No." It's just a small matter, it won't scare her.

"As long as you're not scared." Ye Shiran breathed a sigh of relief.

His little girl is very soft and well-behaved. In his opinion, this kind of thing will startle her.

When Ye Shiran sent people to the apartment, Chacha was about to get off the car when he grabbed his wrist.

"Wait a minute." He looked a little solemn.

Cha Cha looked at him blankly, not knowing what happened.

Then she saw Ye Shiran took off her coat and put it over her head.

It was pitch black all of a sudden, only Ye Shiran's gentle voice sounded, "Don't move, I'll take you out of the car." After the words fell, Cha Cha heard Ye Shiran's door opening in a trance.

Soon, the door on her passenger side was opened.

Strong hands hugged her down.

She fell into a warm embrace, does it seem like a good feeling?

"..." is just a little boring.

She reached out to rip the clothes off her head.

As soon as he made a move, he heard Ye Shiran's voice, "Be good, someone is taking pictures, if you take off your clothes, your face will be photographed."

Cha Cha took a pause, and silently arched into his arms again.

Ye Shiran's lips were full of smiles.

He held Chacha, took her key card all the way to her apartment, and then put the person firmly on the sofa.

Ye Shiran removed the clothes covering his little head.

revealed a small furry head, and that pretty little face, perhaps stuffed with clothes, his fair little face was full of blushes, and those wet, dazed eyes made his heart itch even more.

(end of this chapter)