Chapter 673: I flirt with the actor (17)

Chapter 673 Me and the actor tease each other (17)

On the way back to the apartment.

Ye Shiran found that his car was being followed again.

He frowned, guessing that because of his Weibo, many people wanted to dig first-hand information from him.

"Xiao Zhang, turn around and go back to my previous apartment. Get rid of the car behind and be careful."

A low voice sounded.

The address of Chacha's apartment has been exposed since the photo was taken. Especially now, it is estimated that many people will be squatting there waiting for them, and naturally there is no way to go back to that place.

Xiao Zhang, "Okay."

Throwing a car, Xiao Zhang is a professional.

Ye Shiran tilted his head to look at Cha Cha, the little girl was looking at him blankly, "Is there another car following us?"

"Yes, these few days, you can't go to the apartment on your side for the time being. Stay with me for a few days first, and join the crew with me after a while."

Cha Cha tilted his head and thought for a while, "Okay."

Ye Shiran took people back to his apartment.

His apartment has better security and privacy, and the paparazzi will never get in.

Because I haven't been back to the apartment for a while, and the ingredients in the refrigerator are in short supply, Ye Shiran thought about it and made a list for Xiao Zhang to buy.

Chacha likes his cooking skills, he can feed him every day.

"By the way, I don't have your clothes here. I'm all boys here. It's inconvenient to pick up your clothes. You should have an assistant, right? Let her pick up your clothes and send them over."

Ye Shiran took off his coat and said very naturally.

Cha Cha was stunned for a moment, "Oh oh."

She is going to live here for several days, and it is definitely not possible without clothes.

She reached out and searched for a cell phone in her pocket.

and many more.

Cha Cha turned around to look at Ye Shiran, "My phone is with you."

Ye Shiran paused, took out Chacha's cell phone from his pocket, and thoughtfully said, "Let your assistant pick it up at night." After he finished speaking, he put the cell phone back in his pocket.

Chacha, "???"

Why do I think you are kidnapping my phone?

Before she could continue to think, Ye Shiran looked at her gently.

"My movie, have you seen it?"

Chacha shook his head subconsciously, "I haven't seen it! I haven't seen one!"

After saying this, even she herself felt that her reaction was a bit too extreme, and immediately added, "I like novels, TV series, and I don't like movies..."

The little girl pursed her lips, her moist eyes erratic.

looks really guilty and tight.

Ye Shiran didn't expose her.

Hooked his lips and chuckled, "Since you haven't seen it, can you watch it with me for a while?"

"Hmm..." Cha Cha nodded cooperatively.

He kidnapped her phone, as if he had nothing to do except watch movies?

Ye Shiran is showing his first movie.

In the movie, he played a general, who in the early stage served the country and the world, endured humiliation, and later helped the little emperor to stabilize the country, but he caused the little emperor's suspicion because of his high achievements.

In the end, he voluntarily resigned from his official position and handed over military power.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't get out of the palace.

This kind of role is actually not easy to play, it is easy to be scolded, and it is not very good.

Unfortunately, Ye Shiran was stunned to perform this role to the fullest.

Especially the scene where he closed his eyes.

Sigh, heroes can't resist suspicion after all...

This movie is Cha Cha’s favorite one.

She has seen it several times.

The plot and so on can basically be recited for a long time.

Because there is no emotional scene in this one.

Well, other movies have emotional scenes, even if there are fewer emotional scenes, there are still some, unlike this movie, which is very pure and has no emotional scenes.

(end of this chapter)