Chapter 683: I flirt with the actor (27)

Chapter 683 Me and the actor tease each other (27)

When he first filmed, he suffered a loss.

A female artist knocked on the door in the middle of the night and stood at the door and said a few words to him. The next day, scandals spread all over the sky.

Since then, he has been extra careful.

Especially in the case of knocking on the door in the middle of the night, video recording is essential.

This is also the reason why Ye Shiran didn't have any scandals with the actresses he worked with.

Oh, come up with a scandal to get hot?

Yes, you can post the video, if you dare to stir up scandals, you can post it up and slap your face in minutes.

As for those who are different from the crew, it doesn't matter, but those who still show up to rub the heat will be resolved by Wanqing.

Ye Shiran opened the door.

Then he saw a sweetly dressed girl standing at the door.

He frowned and raised his hand to close the door.

looks like he doesn't want to talk to him at all.

The smile on Nie Shuang's face froze, and she quickly said, "Emperor Ye Ying, I'm here to deliver medicine to you. You hang Weiya today, and it seems that you are injured..."

Before she came, she did a lot of preparations.


As soon as she finished speaking, Ye Shiran dropped a few words coldly, "No, thank you."

Before she could react, he closed the door with a snap.

Nie Shuang, "..."

Wait...I still have a lot to say.


I really just came to deliver medicine, just to have a word.

Nie Shuang returned to his room with a hurt face.

She played the third female role in this movie.

The scene is not bad.

As long as you act well, you can definitely become popular.

The movie is a big production. The director and screenwriter have a very good reputation. There are also Ye Shiran and Liu Yue starring. It can be said that this movie will definitely be a big hit.

Ye Shiran has won the best actor, and the movie starring has never hit the street.

Although Liu Yue has never won an actress, she has nominated an actress several times. If she is a little bit lucky, the actress will fall into her hands.

is also recognized as a powerful faction.

As for the extent to which this movie can explode, I don’t know for the time being.

But at the time of the casting, it can be said that many people fought hard, and even if they played a cannon fodder, they might become popular.

So, Zhao Rui won her the third female role, and Nie Shuang was simply grateful.

She was in the crew, and with her sweet appearance, she quickly got along with people, but unfortunately, only Ye Shiran and Liu Yue, she didn't have a chance to say a word.

At this moment, taking advantage of the night, I finally found an opportunity to talk to Ye Shiran and rub my face to get to know each other. I don't know, I just got a slap in the face.

Nie Shuang stomped her feet angrily, and the medicine in her hand was smashed to the ground by her...

Cha Cha came out after taking a bath and looked at Ye Shiran suspiciously.

"Did someone knock on the door just now?"

Ye Shiran, "Well, people who don't matter, don't bother, just rest."

Chacha nodded, "Okay."

She slipped into the quilt and gave Ye Shiran half of the quilt quite naturally.

Ye Shiran walked over with a smile on his lips, all the exhaustion from the whole day disappeared, but unfortunately, he couldn't eat the little cutie for the time being.


the next day.

It was just dawn.

Cha Cha got up with Ye Shiran.

Ye Shiran's voice was gentle, "Why don't you sleep?"

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at him, obedient and soft, "Let's go with you! I can't stay in the hotel all the time, it will get moldy."

"You can ask Wanqing to take you outside." Ye Shiran sighed, he was still a little reluctant to let Little Cutie follow him to run the crew.

Cha Cha shook his head and refused.

"I'm with you, let me follow Wanqing, aren't you afraid that he will abduct me?"

She found that Ye Shiran believed in Wanqing very much.

Ye Shiran's expression tightened, "Chacha, this idea is terrifying, quickly forget it, and don't pay attention to Wanqing in the future."

Who dares to kidnap his little cutie, he will come to the door with a knife in minutes.

(end of this chapter)