Chapter 705: I flirt with the actor (49)

Chapter 705 Me and the actor are teasing each other (49)

After training Ye Shiran.

Cha Cha feeds with a black face.

Fortunately, this time, Ye Shiran was a lot more honest.

Quietly eat up all the meals that Chacha feeds.

After feeding, Cha Cha turned around and left.

After thinking about it, he called Wanqing and asked Wanqing to take care of Ye Shiran.

Wan Qing was thinking of rejecting it. What did he mess with at this time?

Indistinctly, he seemed to sense that Chacha's mood was not right, so Wanqing had to respond first.

When he came to Ye Shiran's apartment, Chacha had already returned to the crew to film, Wan Qing glanced at Ye Shiran, whose face seemed calm, but in fact his mind had flown far away.

"...Did you guys have a fight?"

Otherwise, according to Ye Shiran's temperament, how could he let the little cutie run away?

Especially when Ye Shiran was injured.

Little cute is not without a conscience, it must be what Ye Shiran did, and a trace of inquiry crossed his eyes.

Ye Shiran explained the matter to Wanqing in general.

After a few minutes.

Wanqing also turned his head and left in anger.

"Ye Shiran, you are so crazy!"

He never thought that such crazy things could be done.

It's crazy to use your own safety as a bargaining chip.

A person who usually looks very stable, but I didn't expect that he would be so cruel to himself.

He turned around angrily and went to the living room, Wan Qing didn't want to pay attention to Ye Shiran.

Wan Qing was stunned for half an hour.

This anger has only subsided a little.

He got up, looked at Ye Shiran unhappily, and saw Ye Yingdi, who was aloof and abstinent, looked like he was abandoned at the moment, he sighed, took a photo of Ye Shiran, and sent it to Chacha.

Alas, no way!

Ye Shiran is so crazy, in the final analysis, it is not because of tea.

What can he do other than help abduct people back?

If Ye Shiran went crazy again, wouldn't it be over?

Besides, it is estimated that only one person, Chacha, can make Ye Shiran.

This matter, slowly learn a lesson.

can't irritate him.

Wan Qing sighed and analyzed with Ye Shiran.

"Emperor Ye, I'm also angry if it's me."

"Also, Chacha's rejuvenation is also because he cares about you and your body. As for you, you must admit your mistakes and be more sincere."

"Although the little girl looks soft, she has a stubborn temper. You can't be hard, and take it slow."

"And Liu Yue is a woman, why do you treat her as a rival in love? Are they not allowed to have a better relationship?"

When Liu Yue was mentioned, Wan Qing became very angry.

Tell me about you, cutie is approaching the boy, it’s okay if you get jealous and go crazy.

What is Liu Yue's daughter, what do you care about with others?

Why don't we just play together for a few days? As for?

also played the bitter game.

Damn, the bitter meat plan overturned, right?


Naturally, Wanqing did not dare to say these words, only dared to hum in displeasure.

This ancestor is also a master who cannot be provoked.


Wan Qing asked Xiao Zhang to bring Cha Cha back from the crew.

Originally, Ye Shiran was also clamoring to go.

Wanqing said coldly, "Emperor Ye Ying, if you keep doing it, you really won't have a chance to turn around."

He sent Xiao Kawai a photo of Ye Shiran, but she hasn't replied to him yet, she is obviously still angry, if you continue to toss now, I am afraid that Ye Yingdi will really enter the cold palace.

Ye Shiran thought for a moment, nodded, and ordered a few words.

Lie in bed quietly and eat.

Holding a spoon in his left hand, he slowly put rice into his mouth.

Wanqing couldn't help but tut twice when he saw his appearance, and was very emotional, Ye Shiran actually had this day?

(end of this chapter)