Chapter 714: I tease each other with the actor (end)

Chapter 714 Me and the Actor (End)

Two minutes later, Chacha, who was wearing a coat, ran to Ye Shiran's side, shaking his arm with his little hand.

said softly, "Liu Yue called and said you blocked her number."

Ye Shiran snorted and arrogantly refused.

"Who makes her restless every day?"

Start a live broadcast and still want to abduct people away with snacks?

Chacha beeped softly, "...Stingy."

Ye Shiran, "The administrator released the number just now."

The fans were dumbfounded.

Never expected to see such a thing.

After Liu Yue was released, she sent another message, "Ye Shiran, you are ruthless."

What material, this barrage is displayed directly in the center of the screen, which is particularly conspicuous.

Liu Yue, "..." is too cruel!

If she can't be offended, she's going to change her number!

The live broadcast room burst into laughter.

The barrage is full of:

"Fuck hahahahahahahaha."

"Seek Liu Yue's psychological shadow area."

"Brother Ye Six Six Six!"

"Miss and sister are all over the country!"

"Watching the male goddess and the goddess grabbing the young lady online, the first round: Brother Ye wins!"

"Brother Ye, come on! Miss and sister are yours!"

So far, the painting style is still smooth.

A few minutes later, Liu Yue's fans came running in groups.

"Goddess, come on, kill Ye Yingdi, you are the best!!!"

"Crush the duck! Help the goddess to take away the young lady!"

"Miss, look at our goddess Liu, who is beautiful as a flower and can earn money to support her family and give you snacks. Are you excited? Are you excited?"

Ye Shiran, "..."

In the end, the live broadcast turned into a quarrel between Ye Fan and Liu Fan.

Seeing that Ye Fan was going to lose.

Ye Shiran stood up calmly and came back.

He put two red books on the table.

The live broadcast room was suddenly silent.

A few seconds later, Ye Fen stepped on Liu Fen under his feet in a valiant manner.

"Did you see it? We have a certificate! A marriage certificate!"

"Brother Ye is mighty!"

"In front of the main room, just ask, who dares to be presumptuous!"

"As soon as the marriage certificate is issued, the Quartet will be killed!"

A good live broadcast turned into a battle.

That night.

This live broadcast has several hot searches.

#Brother Ye, are you stupid#

#Ye Yingdi's status is so worrying why#

#Ye Shiran Liu Yue Fans Open Frame#

#Ye Shiranyancha two people in the same pajamas exploded#

#Yancha's snacks are okay#

#Tea couple drying marriage certificate#

Chacha looked at the hot searches on the phone.

Well, she doesn't seem to have done anything.

At the same time, Chacha's fans also increased.

The little girl is beautiful, soft-spoken and cute, so she is very popular.

Ye Shiran glanced at the extra rival in love, raised his hand and hugged him, tsk, he couldn't hug him enough, and there were too many people who coveted his little cutie, so he had to stare hard.


A few months later.

"Jianghu" was released.

The popularity of the topic is unparalleled.

In this movie, Ye Shiran's performance is still outstanding.

And the performance of Chacha is not weak.

Whether it is acting or lines, the expressiveness in all aspects is remarkable. For a time, Chacha has gained countless fans.

She was not pressed against the actor, but everyone just thought that she was a dusty pearl.

Only Zhao Rui's trash can mistake the fish eyes for pearls, and mistake the pearls for dust and ashes.

So, everyone pulled Zhao Rui out and mocked him again. The strength proved that Zhao Rui was blind! A good little fairy with a bright future, she is stunned to hide her family in the snow, and she has a hole in her head.

"Jianghu" also successfully won various awards.

And Cha Cha also won the Best Newcomer Award for her outstanding performance in this movie, and her career and love have been harvested.

(end of this chapter)