Chapter 734: Proton don't blacken (19)

Chapter 734 Protons Don't Blacken (19)

The third prince became very bored every day.

Every day I think about revenge.

I didn’t think there was anything at first, but after a long time, it took the disadvantage every time.

An obsession almost came out of my heart.

this day.

The third prince dug a pit for Zhou Shen himself.

Zhou Shen nestled beside Chacha in a complicated mood, watching her feed Yezhu to eat cakes.

whispered, "Brother Ye? Seventh sister?"

Chacha's pretty face turned stern, and she said displeasedly, "Who is your seventh sister? Don't shout like this! Talk about something."

Zhou Shen, "..."

He found out that when she talked to Ye Zhu, she was as gentle as she could be.

As for talking to him…………

My heart hurts a little, maybe he was picked up by these two people.

He sighed and talked about the pit dug by the third prince.

Chacha glanced at him, "Isn't it enough to have a meal?" Does this question need to be asked her so solemnly?

Just follow the previous style.

Zhou Chen rubbed his hands together and looked at her hesitantly, as if he had something else to say.

Chacha stuffed another piece of cake into Ye Zhu's mouth, and then looked back at Zhou Chen, a little surprised.

"Can't fight? You won't be reluctant, right?"

This is the first time that the Third Prince has personally acted. Before, they were all small followers.

Zhou Shen immediately shook his head, a hint of surprise in his heart, how could she think so? Why would he be reluctant?

Reluctant? nonexistent!

He has nothing to do with the third prince.

Why are you reluctant?

Zhou Chen snorted twice, and then said, "I just wanted to ask, can I beat the third prince twice?"

Chacha couldn't help but glance at Zhou Chen, "Are you sure?"

Well, is there a new hatred between Zhou Chen and Qiu Mo? She actually let her beat people twice?

Zhou Shen, "It's certain and certain!"

In the past few days, he has overheard those little followers of the third prince talking about him and Ye Zhu.

is saying that he is not favored by Ye Zhu.

It takes two hits to trip Ye Zhu, and only one hit to trip him...

So much so that the little servants around the third prince rushed over to help him, or else they would have to go to Yezhu to help him.

When he heard it, he was so angry that he almost didn't cry.


is too much!

Is he only half the value of Ye Zhu?

Thinking so, he glanced at Ye Zhu again.


Tsk, I suddenly felt that maybe not half of it.

Take a look at Ye Zhu's treatment, and then look at his treatment.

Zhou Shen, "..." I think, I may be about to close myself.

He doesn't care about what he eats, it's useless to care about it, but on the bright side, he still wants to save face.


Zhou Shen looked at Cha Cha with a pitiful look.

Cha Cha thought for a while, "Did the third prince bully you secretly?"

Zhou Shen, "...No."

Chacha, "Oh, why don't I give you a chance to beat him yourself?"

Zhou Shen's heart froze, the secret passage was over, and he fell out of favor.

Anyway, she beat people with her own hands before. Now, is it his turn to take revenge?

He raised his hand and covered his chest, "No, I can't, my heart hurts..."

"Why are you more delicate than Ye Zhu?" Cha Cha frowned, "I'll have someone call an imperial doctor!"

It hurts here, hurts there...

Her leaf bamboo is not so delicate!

Seeing that she was about to get up and call for someone, Ye Zhu stretched out his hand and dragged the person back, and said coldly, "Pretend."

Zhou Shen, who was suddenly demolished, "???" What am I? ? ?

Cha Cha was silent for a moment.

waved his hand and said, "It's alright, 3rd prince, I'll fight twice, just wait honestly."

(end of this chapter)