Chapter 761: Proton Don't Blacken (46)

Chapter 761 Protons Don't Blacken (46)

Only Cha Cha and Ye Zhu were left in the Yuqing Palace.

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at Ye Zhu.

"What happened last night has something to do with the queen. What are you going to do next?"

She still doesn't understand why the queen wants to get involved.

If you have to find a reason.

That’s probably because I’m full, I have nothing to do for myself…

In addition, there is probably only a hole in the queen's brain, such a possibility.

Ye Zhu did not rush to answer, and asked solemnly, "How is your relationship with the Queen?"

If he attacked the queen, he would definitely attack the queen.

If she still has feelings for the queen, and her feelings are deep, then naturally he can't do anything, and sometimes, he has to take care of it.

Cha Cha rested his chin in his hand, thinking seriously.

"Relationship? That's it."

Over the years, the queen has been really good to her, but this is all on the bright side.

If the queen was really nice to her, she wouldn't have anything to do with Qiuwu, and she even did such a thing.

Cha Cha freed up a hand and pushed the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in front of him to Ye Zhu.

"Today's sweet-scented osmanthus cake tastes very good, Ye Zhu, you don't need to take care of me, just do whatever you want."

For her, she doesn't care about anything other than what she really cares about.

In other words, she and the queen are more like using each other.

She used the queen to have unimpeded access in this palace.

The queen used her to design her...

Yezhu nodded, "Okay."

With her words, he felt relieved.

He will not let the queen go.


Qiuwu struggled in the forest for two days.

The whole person is not well.

fainted directly, unconscious, almost half his life.

When   Yezhu received the news, he ordered the dark guard to bring people back and throw them back to the door of Qiuwu's bedroom.

However, this matter has not been able to spread a lot.

Because the emperor received the news, he immediately ordered people to completely block the news. Before things are clear, no more messy rumors can be spread.

first disappeared inexplicably, and then appeared inexplicably.

This might be passed on by those people outside!

That night.

A few imperial physicians stayed for the whole night before they were able to save Qiuwu.

Qiu Wu, who almost walked through the gate of hell, opened his eyes and cried with his face covered, it was a heartbreak.

Worried, scared and worried.

The whole person is almost on the verge of collapse.

After hearing the news, the Queen    went to see Qiuwu in person.

Unfortunately, Qiu Wu refused to see him.

A dignified queen of a country, but was blocked by a princess?

If this is spread out, wouldn't it make people laugh out loud?

The Queen    rushed in without hesitation, and then... Qiu Wu glanced at the Queen and passed out.

cited too much medical urgency.

It's so hard to rescue people, what's so special, when you see the queen, you're unconscious again?

After the emperor heard about it, he directly asked the imperial guards to guard the palace outside Qiuwu's bedroom, and no one was allowed to visit except the imperial physician.

And this matter was so noisy, the news of Qiuwu's appearance in the palace spread like wildfire.

As for the queen, she was so angry that she "..."

The little **** touches porcelain!

She did nothing.

How could Qiuwu faint just by looking at her?

Fortunately, the queen is still a bit sensible, so she didn't make a big deal out of it, for fear that Ye Zhu would be attracted after the big incident.


The Queen    still underestimated Ye Zhu's ruthlessness.

also underestimated the emperor's suspicion of her.

No one knows exactly what happened.

I only know that the emperor talked with Qiuwu for a while late at night.

The next day, the queen was grounded.

As for the deadline?

The emperor didn't say anything.

May be banned for a month, it may be banned for a year, or even more...

(end of this chapter)