Chapter 792: Autistic teenager (20)

Chapter 792 Autistic Teenager (20)

Yanmu's words, every sentence is particularly heartbreaking.

Cha Cha tilted his head and stared at the swallow mother for a while.

She doesn't understand.

is also her own daughter, why is the mother-in-law so partial to Yan Li.

Other people's palms and backs are full of meat.

to the swallow mother here.

The back of the hand is used to shelter from the wind and rain, and the palm of the hand is well cared for.

The only fortunate thing is that at this moment, she is not the original owner.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will be saddened to death.

Chacha's eyes are clear and translucent.

For a moment, the swallow mother was a little flustered.

As if those eyes could see through all the unbearable things in her heart, Yanmu looked away and didn't look at Cha Cha again.

Although he was guilty, he was still righteous, "What? If you haven't replied for a long time, are you afraid to cut off the mother-daughter relationship with me?

Oh, I know you don't dare. Since you don't dare, go back to me honestly, and when I have dealt with the matter at hand, I will teach you this useless thing!

I don't know what I did to have a daughter like you! "

Spit out hurtful words.

Yan Li stood beside Yanmother with a little more smile in his eyes.

Cut off the relationship, Yancha will definitely not have a good life in the future, without the Yan family, Yancha will be nothing.

I may not even be able to eat in the future.

Humph, aside from that face, I don't know what is in the whole body that can make Su Muduo take a look.

resolved Chacha, and Su Mu will only see her in the future.

There can only be her.

She wouldn't be stupid enough to give Su Mu a chance to see Cha Cha again.

Yan Li took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire.

"Mom, don't say that, Chacha is your daughter no matter what, my sister, even if there is something wrong, don't bother with her, she is young and ignorant.

And last time, when Su Mu came to our house, he took a special look at Chacha.

If you teach a hard lesson, in case Su Mu comes to our house in the future and sees Chacha being punished, maybe he will think it has something to do with me, and then I can't explain it clearly..."

Yan Li said something.

Yanmother's expression was even a little hideous.

She naturally remembered what happened last time.

In the blink of an eye, Mother Swallow thought about the latest incident at home.

If it wasn't for Chacha, she wouldn't have been arguing with Father Yan for so long. When the quarrel ended, she realized that it was really a misunderstanding.

Father Yan really did not cover Chacha.

Thinking of this, she stared at Chacha angrily.

raised his finger at her and cursed again.

"You little bitch, how dare you seduce your sister's boyfriend! Are you shameless? Are you trying to **** me off?"

Mother Swallow stood there and cursed over and over again.

Cha Cha reached out and rubbed his ears.

Slowly took out small snacks from his pocket, distributed a circle to Su Jing and the others, and then found a step to sit there, quietly eating small snacks, listening to the mother-of-pearl talking nonsense.

Mother Yan scolded for a long time, only to realize that the situation was a little different from what she thought.

She stopped and saw the crying little girl who should have been scolded was sitting there eating, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

was accompanied by a little fool.

As for the old man I saw before, he was standing in the distance, as if he was enjoying the scenery.

Swallow's face was flushed with anger.

Co-authored and scolded her for so long, no one cared what she scolded?

Even the parties don't care...

Mother Swallow rubbed her face and ran to Cha Cha with an angry face, "What do you mean? Can you show me some respect, I'm your mother, not the monkey you played with!"

(end of this chapter)