Chapter 797: Autistic teenager (25)

Chapter 797 Autistic Teenager (25)

Father Yan hurried back to Yan's house.

At that time.

Yanmu is inviting someone to have afternoon tea at Yan's house.

Since she can't go outside, she can always invite her friends into Yan's house.

Several people are chatting happily.

Mother Yan suddenly saw Father Yan coming back. Seeing that his face was not very good, she subconsciously thought that something had happened to the company again, and hurriedly greeted her little sisters to leave.


Only the father and mother remain.

Father Yan's temper could no longer be held back.

He said angrily, "You said, who did you offend outside?

What do I usually tell you?

Let you be careful, pay attention to what you say, and don't talk casually. If you offend someone, the consequences will be disastrous. If you talk about you, why don't you listen! "

He thought a lot along the way.

After thinking about it, it could only be that Yan Mu and Yan Li offended someone.

Otherwise, the two of them would not have been beaten as soon as they went out.

Mother Swallow was scolded with a bewildered look on her face.

didn't even realize what happened.

Seeing Yan's father scolding her, without saying a word, he started to fight against Yan's father.

She has been full of anger these days.

Hiding at home every day, suffocated to death.

He didn't help her solve the problem, and even ran over to scold her.

can be regarded as making the swallow mother angry.

"You old man, why do you say that I offended someone? Who knows if you did something shameful outside and implicated me and Li Er!"

Mother Swallow reached out and grabbed Father Yan's face.

She moved very quickly, and Father Yan didn't have time to dodge, her face hurt, and she could smell blood.

Father Yan was even more angry.

"You let me go! Vixen! Vixen!"

"What? You dare to call me a shrew? I won't kill you!"

"Ah—you let go!"

When Yan Li heard the movement, he walked downstairs.

These two have already finished a fight.

is sitting on the sofa in a daze.

Father Yan had wounds on his face, several bloodstains, which were particularly abrupt, and his hair was messed up.

Swallow's left cheek was red and swollen, as if she had been slapped.

Yan Li, "..."

There was only boundless silence in the living room, no one made a sound, just sat there quietly.

I do not know how long it has been.

Yan Li took the wound medicine and helped Yan's father and mother to apply the medicine. This strange atmosphere was broken.

"Mom and Dad, we are all a family, why bother, there is any misunderstanding, let's just say it openly, if we are in a mess, maybe other people will laugh at us behind the scenes!

What's the matter, let's say it, discuss and discuss together..."

Yan's father and Yan's mother discussed reluctantly.

In the end, nothing was discussed.

The only gain is probably to confirm that their Yan family really offended people.

Yan Li thought about it.

decided to invite Su Mu over.

"Why don't you do this? I'll ask Su Mu to come over tomorrow and discuss it with him. You guys are recovering well tonight, but don't fight anymore..."

Yan Li was a little speechless, she couldn't understand how she could have such slow-moving parents.

Even good things can be done like this.

Not calm at all...

at the same time.

Su's house.

Su Jing Xianbao told Cha Cha about the situation of the Yan family.

A strange light flashed in his eyes.

Cha Cha was a little surprised at first.

Later, she seemed to realize something.

But she didn't say anything.

listen quietly

For her, what happened to the Yan family had nothing to do with her.

Don't blame her for being ruthless.

The moment the original owner died.

She no longer had any expectations for the Yan family.

Similarly, he will not have any superfluous feelings for the Yan family.

If there is, it also comes from the hatred of the original owner.

(end of this chapter)