Chapter 806: Autistic teenager (34)

Chapter 806 Autistic Teenager (34)

Yan Li suddenly felt that this idea was perfect.

Wait for them to send Chacha abroad.

At that time, if there is any accident, their family will never see Chacha again.

And so.

can solve the current problem, and she can have no worries in the future!

Yan Li quickly gave Yanmu a wink.


The mother and daughter persuaded Yan's father one after another.

After this matter is over, send people out immediately.

Father Yan hesitated for a while, then pondered what Yan Li said.

does make sense.

After all, Su Mu has no feelings for Chacha.

If people stay, let’s not say whether she will make a big noise with them. If she runs to entangle Su Mu, then Su Mu will definitely be dissatisfied.

That's it.

Really want to send Chacha out.

Wait till after tonight.

He probed Su Mu's tone, and if there was a problem, he would immediately send the person abroad and cut off contact...

Father Yan nodded, agreeing with what they had just said.

After the negotiation is over.

The three of them were in the living room, all with smiles on their faces.

The three of them face each other, but their thoughts are messy, and their calculations are also different...


No matter how the three calculate.

ignores the most crucial point.


When Chacha arrived at Yan's house.

Su Mu was just one step behind her.

Su Mu saw her and walked over with ridicule in his eyes, "How's Chacha doing these days? I heard that you were having trouble with your family?"

Cha Cha tilted his head to look at Su Mu.

"How am I, does it have anything to do with you?"

Spicy Chicken!

Don't think she doesn't know what these people want to do.

She never thought that the Yan family could be so disgusting! ! !

Give your own daughter to Su Mu?

Aren't you afraid of retribution?

When Cha Cha and Sun Sumu walked to the living room, Yan's father and Yan's mother were sitting there eagerly. When they saw the two of them, Yan's father's eyes were full of joy.

"What a coincidence, the two of you appeared together!"

Father Yan said casually.

Cha Cha ignored Father Yan, walked over, sat on the sofa, and looked at Mother Yan lightly.

"Mother, are you not happy when I return to Yan's house?"

Hearing Chacha calling her, Yanmu was taken aback for a moment, and a smile appeared on her face, "Why are you unhappy? I'm so happy that I'm going crazy.

Chacha, the previous things were all bad for me.

Don't blame me, don't blame me, as long as you come back and are willing to forgive me, I will take good care of you in the future, and I will never quarrel with you again..."

These nice words were specially told by Yan's father to Yan mother before.

Swallow was not happy at first.

However, as long as she thinks that tea will be sent abroad soon, she thinks, it seems that it is not so difficult to say a few good words.

Hearing Yanmu's words, Cha Cha seemed to be frightened.

"It turns out that my mother knew it was wrong..."

swallow mother, "..." I endure it!

"Yeah, I know I was wrong, Cha Cha forgive me this time, okay?"

Her voice was as gentle as possible.

Trying to be like a gentle mother in front of Cha Cha.

Unfortunately, Chacha was not as she wished.

Chacha's voice was calm, "Then mother, please apologize."

Mother Swallow's face turned cold, "What did you say?"

Cha Cha took a step back, pretending to be afraid, "Didn't you say you were wrong? If you don't want to apologize, I won't say anything. Anyway, it's always like this... I'm used to it..."

Well, acting, she can too.

This is what she just learned recently.

used to always see others pretending to be white lotus.

She now finds that it is fun to pretend to be wronged every now and then?

Qiqi, […] Alas, Chacha school is broken.

(end of this chapter)