Chapter 813: Autistic teenager (41)

Chapter 813 Autistic Teenager (41)

Cha Cha rolled his eyes silently.

Do you think she would believe this?

If she believed it, she was a fool!

She tilted her head and ignored Su Jing.

Seeing Chacha's reaction, Su Jing was stunned for a moment.

He was suddenly overwhelmed.

He began to wonder if he had gone too far and made her angry?

Su Jing struggled to maintain his composure, "I, I, I'm sorry...don't, don't be angry."

Because of nervousness, I stumbled upon a sentence.

"No, there is no next time."

He lowered his head, terrified to the extreme.

He shouldn't use his own cleverness. If he didn't do this, they would definitely be the same as before.

She is so smart, she must have seen through his little trick.

This sense of helplessness and fear strongly impacted his mind.

For a moment, the whole person trembled a little.

Chacha quickly realized his physical condition.

"...Xiaojing?" she shouted.

The sound is very soft and very light.

for fear of scaring Su Jing.

After a while.

Su Jing raised his eyes and glanced at Cha Cha, and he fell into her arms like a helpless child, whispering "I'm sorry" over and over again.

Cha Cha stretched out his arms to hug him and patted his back very lightly.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not angry, I just think you're very smart, but, Xiaojing, you need to use the right way to be smart. Don't use your ingenuity for such trivial matters..."

Tsk, she now feels that Su Jing is more difficult to raise than a child.

Because children are not as smart as Su Jing...

Cha Cha coaxed Su Jing for a while.

After all, no matter what Su Jing does, she can almost understand.

He was insecure, and he wanted to keep her by his side. Maybe the method was wrong, and he also brought a little calculation.

But, every time she was with him, didn't she bring a little calculus?

In the face of Su Jing, she is not so open and aboveboard.

So she doesn't get really angry and doesn't do anything.

She will accompany him and slowly integrate into this world.

And after the two of them went through this incident, Su Jing also became more sticky.

Mr. Su is very satisfied with this change.

Every time he sees the change of Su Jing, he will be very happy.

I always feel that it is one step closer to Su Jing's improvement. This is something he has been looking forward to for many years.


is relative to the calmness of the Su family.

The Yan family also ushered in a rare peace.

But, this calm comes after the storm.

Yan's father and Yan's mother fought fiercely.

When Yan Li tried to persuade him to fight, he was pushed and his head hit the coffee table. Immediately, blood flowed.

Then... Yan's father and Yan's mother stopped doing it.

rushed people to the hospital.

Although the injury is not serious, it is likely to leave scars.

Yanli cried on the spot with rain, out of breath.

In this way, Yan's father and Yan's mother were so frightened that they did not dare to quarrel any more, and only dared to coax their daughter carefully.

I was afraid that Yan Li could not think about it for a while.

Yan Li returned to Yan's house from the hospital.

Yan's father and Yan's mother looked at each other and swallowed all the anger silently.

Even if we fight, we have to avoid Yan Li and not let her see.

What if you are stimulated by the two of them again?

Mother Swallow was afraid that she would say the wrong thing, so she carefully considered every word before she said it.

She knew very well.

My daughter loves that face the most. Now it's fine. The wound on her forehead will leave scars... After that, what can I do?

Especially, Yan Li recovered calm after crying in the hospital.

It's just this calm, a little abnormal...  

(end of this chapter)