Chapter 827: Autistic teenager (55)

Chapter 827 Autistic Teenager (55)

The housekeeper stared at Su Mu for a while with no expression.

Unexpectedly, the Yan family actually had a relationship with Su Mu.

Su Mu is a member of the side branch of the Su family.

After all, although there is a little bit of relationship, there is not much blood relationship.

Usually, Su Mu has done a lot of things under the name of the Su family.

The old man is old, and he didn't care about it.

After all, there are too many people who act under the name of the Su family, and it is a bit troublesome to deal with.

I didn't expect that Su Mu would find him for Yan Fu?

Alas, I am still not mature enough to do things.

The housekeeper waved to Yan Fu, "I'll take you to see Cha Cha."

Speaking of which, Chacha is really accurate.

Before Yan Fu appeared, he told him in advance that if Yan Fu came to find her, let him take Yan Fu to the warehouse.

I don't know what medicine she sells in this gourd.

A group of three people.

When I came to Su's small warehouse.

Chacha is pulling sacks there.

The butler was stunned for a moment.

It seems that the little girl has a soft spot for these sacks? ? ?

He stood not far away and did not go any further.

It was Yan Fu. Seeing her sorting out the sacks, he immediately realized that the reason why Cha Cha knew the housekeeper was probably because he went to Su's house and became a servant.

Since it is a servant, then this matter is easy to handle.

Yan Fu first breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, the momentum also turned a little bit.

Before    approached Cha Cha, he glanced at Su Mu.

Seeing that Su Mu had nothing to say, he boldly walked forward. It seemed that the two of them had the same idea.

Just a servant, no big deal.

It is impossible for the housekeeper to quarrel and quarrel with them for the sake of a servant.

This matter is much easier to handle.

As Yan Fu approached Cha Cha.

Su Mu's eyes froze, and he followed him a few steps forward. His gaze fell on the sack in Chacha's hand.

This sack...

seems a little familiar?

Su Mu circled around Chacha.

Look left, look right.

The little girl always packs the sack in her hand.

There are also some twine next to the sack.

Su Mu raised his eyelids, his eyes became a little more playful.

The little girl was more interesting than he thought.

The last time he looked for the surveillance camera, he vowed to catch the black hand who ran away after beating people, but unfortunately, after searching for a long time, he couldn't find it. There happened to be a problem with that surveillance.

Even, there is no clue at all.

Only the sack on his head kept his memory fresh.

Now it seems.

The person who attacked him that day was Cha Cha.

Same sack, same place and time.

At this moment, Su Mu didn't have any anger in his heart, on the contrary, he became more and more curious about her.

He thinks that the little girl is like a treasure. When you don't know it, it will suddenly appear and give you a huge surprise...

He smiled and looked at Yan Fu, waiting for Yan Fu to speak.

In this matter today, it is estimated that Yan Fu still cannot gain the upper hand.

Yan Fu was looking at Cha Cha in dissatisfaction, posing on a shelf, "Cha Cha, don't worry about your sister's affairs, she already knows it's wrong, because she was bruised on the forehead and left a scar, she is not in a good condition. Well, maybe you didn't think about it when you were doing things, so don't hold on to it anymore..."

Chacha seems to have heard a particularly funny joke.

She raised her eyes and looked at Yan Fu seriously.

"Can you kill someone if you're not in a good state? Have you seen that video? If I didn't run away, now, what you're seeing may be Yancha's tombstone!"

Mother Yan wanted to destroy her face, Yan Li wanted her life, she really deserved to be a mother and daughter.

Even if Yancha was picked up from outside, it can’t be treated like this, right?

What's more, it's his own.

is downright ridiculous.

(end of this chapter)