Chapter 830: Autistic teenager (58)

Chapter 830 Autistic Teenager (58)

The surrounding air also fell silent for a few seconds.

Cha Cha clapped his hands slowly.

slowly walked towards Su Mu.

"Excuse me, do you still want to cry out?"

Su Mu, who was in pain all over his body, raised his head very hard and looked at the little girl in front of him.

That pretty face is still pretty outrageous.

However, what he said was extremely terrifying.

is like a little devil.

But over the years, what Su Mu wants has never been given to others, no matter what means are used, he will get it.

If he can't get it in the end, then he would rather ruin it.

The person in front of him, he probably won't get it.

Even if you get it, you may lose both.

And his feelings for her have not yet reached the point where she is indispensable.'s ruined.

in a blink.

The thoughts in Su Mu's mind have passed over and over again.

He opened his mouth and smiled, and said with difficulty, "I'm sorry, I'm not worthy."

Before he finished speaking, blood spilled out of his mouth. This kick almost cost him half his life.

Cha Cha nodded, "Well, you are very funny."

It’s been a long time since I met such an interesting person.


Too much thought.

If he was a little less thoughtful, he could take him to harm other people.

Cha Cha turned around and took two steps, as if thinking of something, then turned back and said to Su Mu on the ground.

"Go to the hospital by yourself, uh, you can ask me for reimbursement of medical expenses."

It looks pretty serious.

Just now she confiscated her strength, it is estimated will take half a month.

Speaking of which, it seems that Su Mu is a little unlucky, and he is the one who gets the most serious injuries every time.

Thinking of this, Cha Cha instantly felt more guilty.

She tilted her head and looked at Yan Fu, who was slumped on the ground.

If it counts, she should find a few people from the Yan family and beat them hard...

No, we have to arrange it as soon as possible.

Yan Fu was trembling all over by Chacha's harmless appearance.

He shrank into a ball, for fear that she would come over and kick him.

This is so special...

The lethality is terrifying.

If he knew that her lethality could be so ruthless, he wouldn't say anything to provoke her.

is like dying.

Cha Cha hooked his finger at Yan Fu.

"Consider whether you want the company or your wife and daughter."

Although it is useless for her to ask for the company, and she is not interested in the company, she really wants to let several members of the Yan family know how to write regret.

Yan Fu looked up at the unfamiliar little daughter.

I don't know what kind of wind is blowing.

A sentence came out subconsciously, "You have also attacked Su Mu. If this is the case, should Su Mu also sue you in court?"

Chacha's eyes were a little more sarcastic.

"Of course you can, but Su Mu must have sufficient evidence, and you can't find evidence, and it's impossible to find evidence."

Su Mu could not be found injured at all.


She has absolutely nothing to worry about.

Her incomparably confident look shocked Yan Fu.

"..." Good gas.

Want to hit someone.

However, he couldn't beat her.

I guess it wasn't enough for her to kick.

"You should have three days to think about it." Cha Cha dropped this sentence and left without looking back.

She had no idea about the Yan family's company.

Now, uh, I suddenly have an idea.

After Cha Cha left, the housekeeper glanced at Yan Fu and Su Mu with disdain, and left as well.

The housekeeper followed behind Cha Cha, and there was an ups and downs in his heart.

The little girl's lethality is so great, and I don't know if the young master will be able to bear it in the future.

Alas, he was suddenly a little worried.

Little Master's small arms and calves always feel that if they are not careful, they may break...

(end of this chapter)