Chapter 844: Regent, Puppet Emperor (4)

Chapter 844 Regent, Puppet Emperor (4)

The two fell into a long silence.

Chacha always felt that this man seemed to be thinking about how to strangle her...

She pursed her lips.

whispered, "Anyway, you avoided the people who were chasing you, you should be safe now." It was she who was unsafe.

The    man stared at her, his forehead throbbing, as if trying to hold back.

"To shut up."

chacha, “…”

"To the left."


The two walked for a while.

happened to see a hidden cave ahead.

"Go to the cave."

chacha, “…”

I want to talk, but you won't let me speak, I...I endure it! I can!

The man sat down along the stone wall and instructed coldly, "Rearrange the weeds at the door, and be careful not to leave footprints."

Cha Cha did as she was told, and hurriedly threw the weeds to the door, blocking the hole.

After doing all this, she turned around and found a place to sit, almost a few meters away from the man.

She took out a packet of small snacks from her arms in displeasure, and ate it for a while.

Pack after pack.

To the man, it sounded like a little squirrel stealing food and kept making small noises.

I do not know how long it has been.

He raised his eyes and looked at the puffed-up little girl.

"What are you doing so far from me?"

Cha Cha took a pause, looked at him lightly, then lowered his head and continued to eat.

The man's face darkened, "I'm talking to you."

Chacha thought he was noisy, so he turned around and turned his back to him.

man, "..."

Another moment passed.

The man stood up laboriously, staggered to Chacha's side, bent down, and snatched the snack from her hand.

Eat, eat, eat, you know what to eat?

was chased and killed, still eating?

Cha Cha stared blankly at the empty palms, she raised her eyes, her face turned cold, "Why do you rob me!"

The soft voice was full of anger.

The    man half-smiled, "Oh? Now you know what to talk to me? Don't you just ignore me?"

Chacha, " told me to shut up, why should I care about you!"

While the man was stunned, she grabbed her own snacks.

"Go away and don't talk to me."

Grab her snacks?

She didn't beat him to death, which is not bad!

Qiqi, [... But, host, this is your male lead! 】

If    is killed, you will have no male protagonist.

Chacha's eyes flashed.

"But he's really bad."

Grab her snacks?

Forget it, he is injured now, don't care about him.

Cha Cha lowered his head, pulled it from his arms for a while, found a small white porcelain bottle, and threw it to the man, "Apply the medicine yourself."

77, 【? ? ? 】

Host, you were not like this before?

You used to give medicine to your male protagonist!

Cha Cha turned his head without saying a word and found a place to sit down again, as if he was reluctant to sit with him.

The man looked at the medicine in his hand, lost in thought for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

Another moment passed.

Cha Cha stood up impatiently, walked up to him, grabbed the medicine from his hand, and pressed him to the ground, pulling his clothes in a not very gentle manner.

Seven Seven, 【! ! ! 】Not suitable for children!

"..." Isn't he stupid?

Won't you take medicine?

also asked her to do it.

After taking the medicine, she got up and stared at that face for a few seconds with mixed emotions.

Meditated in the bottom of my heart: Don't bother with him, he doesn't remember what happened before, in this plane, they are strangers, so it's normal for him to be cold to her!

She has to be patient, she has to take her time.

(end of this chapter)