Chapter 848: Regent, puppet emperor (8)

Chapter 848 Regent, Puppet Emperor (8)

Chacha blinked and stared at the girl in green in front of him for a while.

The information about the girl in green slowly appeared in his mind.

Lv Ya was someone who was sent to her by the late emperor a few years ago.

However, before the original owner fled from the palace, he asked Luya a few times, and after finding out that Luya had no intention of leaving the palace with her, when he was running away, he tried to separate Luya and set out on the road alone.

At this moment, looking at Lv Ya's anxious appearance, Cha Cha sighed silently.

It seems that the green shoots are really worried about the original owner.

Lv Ya checked Cha Cha's arm up and down, and she was relieved to see that there was no serious injury on her body.

In the blink of an eye, I saw a small wound on my arm, and I was so anxious again.

"Your Majesty, why are you injured? What happened during this time?"

"Nothing major happened, but it's a bit troublesome to talk about. Let's talk about it later. How did you find this place?"

Cha Cha glanced at the two teams of men and horses that followed behind Lu Ya.

Although this cave is not very hidden, there is no reason for it to be found so quickly.

It was as if someone had directed it on purpose.

Lv Ya replied, "The servants were on the way to find you, and they met the people of the regent, and those people went to find you with the servants..."

At the end, Lu Ya shuddered.

I sweated for His Majesty.

This time, I am afraid that the Regent will not let His Majesty go easily.

She sighed and looked at Cha Cha with mixed emotions, "Your Majesty, why did you just..." run away?

The remaining half of the sentence, Lu Ya was too embarrassed to say it.

The king of a country, if he says he runs away, he runs away?

If this is known to the people, wouldn't they laugh out loud?

Chacha looked away hesitantly, she knew what Luya wanted to say.

This thing...she really can't explain it.

Although the original owner did it, she had to clean up the mess for the original owner.

The round eyes rolled around, she raised her eyes and looked at Lu Ya seriously, "This kind of thing won't happen again, let's go back to the palace."

Alas, she is expected to deal with a lot of things when she returns to the palace this time.

Pain in the skull.

Green Bud was stunned for a moment.

It seems that I don't understand, why I suddenly went over to the topic of returning to the palace.

However, Lu Ya was very happy to hear His Majesty say to return to the palace.

"Slave, let's make arrangements!"

His Majesty returns to the palace, there is still a lot of pomp!

Chacha tilted his head and thought for a while, "No need to arrange, just find a carriage." I can support myself very well, so I don't pick.

Green Ya paused for a while, then nodded, "Okay."

She turned and told the guards to find the carriage.

Cha Cha was on the side, secretly staring at the group of men in black who were said to be the regent's troops for a while.

There is a clear gap between this team and the people brought by Luya.

If there is a fight, those who visually detect the regent can top five.

She shook her head, her face full of helplessness.

This emperor is too embarrassed.

Thinking room.

Someone came to report that it was down the mountain, and a carriage was already waiting.

But there is a section of the road on the mountain, with thorns and thorns, the carriage can't come up, and it is necessary for His Majesty to go down the mountain.

Chacha, "..." Okay, it's okay to walk for a while, just exercise.

Lv Ya saw his Majesty's aggrieved face, and said in a distressed voice, "Your Majesty, this servant is strong and can carry you down the mountain."

Your Majesty is spoiled, and now on this mountain, I am afraid that I have eaten a lot and cried.

And she couldn't even meet such a simple request, it's really aggrieved Your Majesty.

Cha Cha squinted and swept around the small body of the green buds, and a bit of concern appeared in his eyes, "I'm afraid that I will crush you, and I will feel distressed."

Her voice was soft, soft and waxy.

(end of this chapter)