Chapter 855: Regent, Puppet Emperor (15)

Chapter 855 Regent, Puppet Emperor (15)

Xiao Zhixu looked at the figure that disappeared in front of his eyes.

couldn't help frowning.

You are young and your temper is not small?

Wei Rou noticed Xiao Zhixu's expression.

Her eyes flashed, and she walked over and said softly, "Does the lord also feel that after your Majesty's return to the palace this time, his temperament has changed greatly compared to before?"

It seemed that she was not the only one who noticed.

Otherwise, why would the regent suddenly talk to the little emperor?

In the past, the regent would never give Wei Cha a second look!

She quietly waited for him to nod.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhixu turned his head and said coldly, "Second Princess, please take care of your own affairs first!"

Leaving this sentence with unclear meaning, Xiao Zhixu turned around and left.

Leaving Wei Rou with a flustered face.

Could it be that Xiao Zhixu knew that the assassination of the emperor had something to do with her?

Or is there any clues about Shum's assassination?

Wei Rou hurried back to her Moon Palace.

and immediately sent a signal to Ayuki.


Phoenix Hall.

Chacha earnestly favors breakfast.

No matter how many winks Luya gave her, she didn't even look at the other side.

Lv Ya was worried on the side.

I can't wait to pick up my majesty and have a good word with the regent.

His Majesty returned to the Phoenix Palace with his forefoot.

The Regent followed and walked in.

How do you know.

The two were like a cold war, neither of them spoke first.

Leng is to make the surrounding atmosphere weird and frightening.

woo, she's about to cry.

His Majesty went out of the palace, how could his emotions become so difficult to understand?

The Regent is also…

I never came to the Phoenix Palace before, but now... I came here last night, and again this morning.

At this frequency, Lu Ya is deeply worried about the future.

Until the people in the Tai Hospital delivered the soup.

Cha Cha raised his head from the breakfast and gave Tang Yao a small look.

She stared at the dark soup medicine and said calmly, "Go find some candied fruit."

Green shoots, "Okay."

Lu Ya turned and left, leaving only her and Xiao Zhixu in the hall.

The eyes of the two of them inadvertently met.

Cha Cha looked at him calmly, with an unclear tone of voice, "Why doesn't the lord leave? This Phoenix Palace is small, I'm afraid I've wronged you..."

Xiao Zhixu frowned, somewhat dissatisfied with her tone.

"speak politely."

The yin and yang are weird, what does he look like?

is not cute at all.

A sneer appeared in Cha Cha's eyes, "Is your lord planning to order me?"

He lied to her first, told her some fake name, and after the fake name, he left her there the next day...

This matter, the more I think about it, the more angry I get.

Especially when she saw him acting like he was nothing, she got even more angry.


Xiao Zhixu's face was ugly. Obviously, she was the first person who dared to talk to him like this.

But, he didn't have the slightest anger in his heart.

Instead, I just felt a little overwhelmed.

She was angry.

was angry because of his problem.

From birth to now, the Regent, who has never coaxed anyone, has fallen into a tangle.

Coaxing people...he won't.

However, seeing that her little temper wouldn't go away for a while, he was a little flustered.

for a long time.

He found a reason, "Don't you intend to explain the matter of His Majesty's escape from the palace?"

Cha Cha was instantly happy.

"My lord, I have never escaped from the palace. I was out to observe the people's conditions, and I accidentally walked into the mountains and was assassinated."

Xiao Zhixu's face was even more ugly.

What a sharp tongue.

So here comes the question...

He seems to have said something wrong?

Between the two of them, there was a strange stalemate again.

Even, the atmosphere is even weirder than before.

Xiao Zhixu couldn't help but be in trouble.

It's really troublesome to coax people, forget it, that's it.

is not one of his people, why does he want to coax her with respect?

(end of this chapter)