Chapter 867: Regent, puppet emperor (27)

Chapter 867 Regent, Puppet Emperor (27)

But...these are not much different to them.

Anyway, in this Jinghua country, it is almost always the regent king who is in charge.

For them, there is nothing to lose.

It is the people under the hands of the three emperors, who may have to complain.

When the news of    being cut from power reached the Moon Palace.

Weirou almost went crazy.

He smashed the porcelain ornaments of the Moon Palace cleanly. The huge Moon Palace was full of broken pieces of porcelain on the ground.

The palace maids and eunuchs lowered their heads and did not dare to make a sound.

For fear of being implicated by Wei Rou's anger.

Who would have thought that a puppet emperor could do this?

Wei Rou never took the little emperor in her eyes, but now she has been put in the spotlight.

Even now, she is very suspicious that the wound on her face was also beaten by that bitch.

All the assassins she sent disappeared without a trace.

And the people Ayuki sent to guard her didn't even know what happened that night.

What does this mean?

can only mean that there is a mysterious force behind the little emperor to help do this!

Think about it again, the Regent Prince often runs to the Phoenix Palace recently.

And now, her powers are handed over to the Regent.

What the hell, Xiao Zhixu and Wei Cha may have been in trouble long ago!

But she didn't understand.

The regent is already in power, and if the regent is even more powerful, Wei Cha will not be able to sit firmly on the throne.


All of this was done by the Regent in secret?

However, the Regent's methods are ruthless. If he really wanted her power, he wouldn't have to pull out so many twists and turns, and he would simply take it away...

Wei Rou's whole person is not well. What happened recently is like a mess, and it is impossible to understand at all.

She didn't know whether it was the hand of the regent or the little emperor.

Or, the two of them joined forces...

What she couldn't understand, she quickly restrained her thoughts and stopped thinking about it.

Anyway, no matter who is plotting against her, after all, the little emperor and the regent are her enemies!

Between the picturesque eyebrows, there is a shadow.

She hasn't lost yet, and she can make a comeback!

Wei Rou tidied up her clothes, covered her face with a veil, and walked towards the water temple...

She knew that Wei Ran had liked the Regent for many years.

However, the regent was not close to women, and he never gave Wei Ran a second look.

There were no women around.

If it continues like this, Wei Ran still has a chance, but now, the prince regent and the little emperor are getting closer and closer!

The last time Wei Ran made a scene in the Phoenix Palace, he was also taught a lesson by the regent.

She believed that just a little more fire.

Weiran will hate the little emperor like crazy!

After walking out of the water temple.

Wei Rou's eyes were full of joy.

As expected.

Weiran this knife, it's time to unsheath it!

Wei Ran is different from her, Wei Ran holds part of the military power in his hand.

She believes that Wei Ran will give her a huge surprise!

at the same time.

Water Hall.

Wei Ran stared fiercely at the half tiger talisman in the brocade box.

The guards of the palace are loose. As long as she replaces the guards of the palace and silently transfers those soldiers and horses into the imperial city, the throne will change hands.

She doesn't care who is the emperor.

However, she cared who the person beside Xiao Zhixu was.

Even if the person around him is not her, she will never allow him to have anyone else.

After so many years, he has never been around any women, and he has never been close to any woman. Now it is better to run to the Phoenix Palace every day... He really has a close relationship with the little emperor!

Think about what she heard in the Phoenix Hall that day.

He also pinch the puppet emperor's little face?


Wei Ran's eyes were full of jealousy and hatred.

(end of this chapter)