Chapter 876: Regent, puppet emperor (36)

Chapter 876 Regent, Puppet Emperor (36)

The next day.

Chacha opened his eyes, and his first reaction was to see if there was anyone around him.

"!!!"no one!

Xiao Zhixu is not here!

That is to say.

Xiao Zhixu didn't climb on her bed yesterday.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

blinked and started to get nervous again.

Suddenly a little panicked.

Then the question is, what is Xiao Zhixu's attitude towards her?

I thought about it for a while, but didn't understand.

She slowly lifted the quilt, rolled over and got out of bed.

"……"Um? Something seems wrong?

Cha Cha tilted his head and looked at his bed.

She wrapped herself in a small ball before going to bed last night.


Why did she lie on the bed in a normal sleeping position after waking up?

Qiqi, […] Of course it was because that shameless one climbed your bed, and before you woke up, he climbed down again, pretending to have never been there before…

But can you say such a thing?



It's closed again.

Watching his host get ripped off, it's too miserable.


I love autism, and autism loves me.

Another day of autism...

Early morning is still the same as yesterday, and there is not much difference.

After the early dynasty ended, Xiao Zhixu did not follow Cha Cha back to the Phoenix Palace, but returned to the Prince Regent's Mansion, saying that he had something to deal with.

Before    left, he arranged Liu Feng Liuying and Liu Ying in the Phoenix Hall and warned them a few words.

Xiao Zhixu promised to leave.

Cha Cha originally thought he would be back soon.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, he did not enter the palace again.

Cha Cha stood blankly at the entrance of the hall and waited for a while.

The autumn wind is blowing, slightly cold.

Liu Ying reminded, "Your Majesty, it's cold outside, if you wait for the prince, you can stay in the palace..."

Before Liu Ying finished speaking, Cha Cha quickly refuted.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I didn't wait for Xiao Zhixu. The air outside is good and the night view is beautiful. Let me get some air and enjoy the night view, okay?"

Liu Ying, "...It's a subordinate who talks too much."

Chacha's little face was full of arrogance, "It's not that you talk too much, it's you who said it wrong! He won't come to rub the place, I also think the Phoenix Palace is much more spacious!"

Liuying, "..."

Should I follow along? still……

Just keep silent.

Save yourself from sending yourself into a pit.

Not long after, Cha Cha turned around and entered the Phoenix Palace.

Well, don't ask her why.

It is indeed a bit cold outside, and the night view is not very good.

So, she still washes and sleeps!

Until the candle in the Phoenix Hall went out, Liu Ying was relieved.

Alas, I hope the master will finish those things as soon as possible.

Otherwise, he felt that His Majesty might not want a master.


the next day.

It is not yet dawn.

Chacha heard the hurried voice of the green buds.

"Your Majesty! Something happened! Something big!"

Those who didn’t know thought the sky was falling.

Cha Cha sighed and rubbed his eyes, "What's wrong?"

The face was calm, but the bottom of his heart began to wonder, in the future, should Lv Ya's residence be moved outside the Phoenix Palace, so that she could sleep peacefully.

"Your Majesty, the Fourth Princess rebelled!" Lu Ya said in a panic.

Who would have thought that the Fourth Princess would suddenly rebel?

was totally unpredictable.

Cha Cha yawned and didn't care, "...Oh, rebelled."

Green shoots, "???"

Why is Your Majesty so calm, haven't you woken up yet?

"Your Majesty, the slave said that the Fourth Imperial Lady rebelled." She repeated it again, trying to see someone's reaction.

Chacha nodded, "Well, I heard, Wei Ran rebelled, Xiao Zhixu should take action, don't panic."

Yesterday, Xiao Zhixu left for so long, probably to deal with this matter. It seems that the news of Xiao Zhixu is indeed much faster than she knows.

Well, sad.

(end of this chapter)