Chapter 883: Regent, puppet emperor (43)

Chapter 883 Regent, Puppet Emperor (43)

Xiao Zhixu doesn't plan to interfere in Wei Rou's affairs.

He decided to give some rights to Chacha.

It's also time to see if she can handle the task alone.

"The matter of Wei Rou is up to you."

he said, there was no ups and downs in his voice.

Chacha blinked suspiciously.

Soon, he seemed to understand what he meant.

"Oh, I see, you are not in good health, you need to take good care of it, don't worry, I will help you handle things well in the past few days, so you can rest in peace."

The little girl said softly.

Xiao Zhixu was stunned for a while, but he always felt that this was a bit strange.


What does it mean to help him get things done?

Small things, this Jinghua Kingdom is yours.

"By the way, what about Wei Ran?"

Chacha suddenly remembered Wei Ran who rebelled and said so much, she still didn't know about Wei Ran's situation!

Xiao Zhixu squinted his eyes, exuding a cold light, "Heavenly Prison." Wei Ran was imprisoned by him in the Heavenly Prison. Rebellion is a capital crime, and Wei Ran's fate must be handed over to Chacha.

"Oh, then let Wei Ran and Cen Mu be locked across from each other. When the two of you are okay, you can chat and save yourself from being lonely and cold."

Ah, she is such a nice person.

Well, how can she be a good person?

Xiao Zhixu replied with a smile, "It's all up to you."

There are quite a lot of small things.


up to now.

had a question that he needed to ask again.

"You beat Wei Rou and Wei Ran."

The question is a declarative sentence, he can be sure, not a question.

chacha, “…”

The round eyes rolled around.

looked at Xiao Zhixu innocently, "What if it's my hand? Are you going to avenge them? Are you going to attack this little cutie like me?"

Xiao Zhixu shook his head, "It's not very good, just ask."

is just caring.

By the way, I found a reason to come to her bedroom.

is not just chasing...

chacha, “…”

She sat there, thinking for a while, and seemed unable to bear it any longer.

she asked, "Are you bewitched by my beauty?"

Otherwise, why does he look like a fool?

Xiao Zhixu was stunned when he was asked, and there was only a look of helplessness on his face, "Do you know what you're talking about? Am I, Xiao Zhixu, that kind of superficial person?"

How could he be bewitched by her beauty?

Even if she has no beauty, he will be bewitched by her...

Someone pondered silently in the bottom of his heart.

"Oh, great." Cha Cha lowered his head and sighed.

It seems that he is really not that attractive.

Next time she will be a little prettier!

Being pretty can be a demon concubine who will bring disaster to the country and the people!

77, 【? ? ? 】The demon concubine?

It seems that Cha Cha has secretly read some words.

How about it arrange it?

Let's see if there is a chance to make a demon concubine for Chacha.

Qiqi silently wrote it down.


Xiao Zhixu was injured.

The courtroom was in chaos.

In addition, Xiao Zhixu intends to delegate power. After Wei Ran's rebellion was resolved by him, he did not show up in the courtroom on the grounds that he was injured. He planned to see Chacha's ability.

It turns out.

Chacha's ability is more powerful than he imagined.

Whether it is memorial or political affairs, everything is handled in an orderly manner.

is more than enough to be a wise king.

And the ministers above the court, at first thought that the methods of the little emperor were taught by the regent.

However, it took a long time.

They found that the handling of the little emperor was very different from that of the regent.

pays more attention to details and pays more attention to the people.

The ministers could not help but fall into contemplation.

Could it be that the little emperor has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

Now Wei Rou and Wei Ran have been resolved, and the Regent is also injured.

Looking at it this way, His Majesty is the biggest winner!

resolved all threats silently...

(end of this chapter)