Chapter 885: Regent, Puppet Emperor (45)

Chapter 885 Regent, Puppet Emperor (45)

Chacha thought for a while.

asked softly, "What did you just say?"

She tilted her head and looked at Xiao Zhixu, slightly curious.

Just before she came in, Liu Feng and Liu Ying were clearly reporting the matter, um, I wonder if Wei Rou is missing.

Xiao Zhixu said in a low voice, "Wei Rou has a trace."

Cha Cha snorted, as if I had guessed it right.

Wei Rou actually lasted two days longer than she calculated?

She underestimated Wei Rou.

sighed slightly, feeling a little complicated.

"Are you unhappy?" Xiao Zhixu keenly captured her emotions. It stands to reason that when Wei Rou's trace was discovered, she should be happy.

This also means that every step she calculated before is extremely correct.

Cha Cha shook his head, "I'm not unhappy, it's just... I think Wei Rou can persevere more than I thought..."

Xiao Zhixu, "...Oh, Wei Rou was injured on the way and was in a coma for two days. If it wasn't for these two days, she would have been discovered long ago."

chacha, “…”

suddenly happy.

That is to say, her prediction was correct and there was no error!

She stood up abruptly and hurriedly said, "You have a good rest, I'll find Liu Ying!"

As an emperor, she should focus on her career.

She is an enterprising person.

Chacha's short legs jumped out of the Phoenix Palace.

Xiao Zhixu stared at the back for a while, "..." Suddenly unhappy, very unhappy.

Why did he dig a hole for himself?

Watching her run to find Liu Ying? ? ?

Liu Ying was educating Liu Feng, and he felt a coldness coming from his body, his entire back was chilled, and he shrank subconsciously.

Liu Feng, who had been educated for a long time, drooped his head, and his whole body was dizzy.

"...then I'll go back and think about it first."

"Yeah." Liu Ying beckoned, signaling him to leave quickly.

Unfortunately, Liu Feng has not stepped out yet.

Chacha walked in head-on.

"I have something to call you."

Liu Feng, "..."

Liu Ying's line of sight went beyond Cha Cha and landed behind her. Seeing that his master was not following, he shivered silently, "..."

Suddenly I knew where that bad feeling came from.

He tried his best to keep his composure, and calmly distanced himself from Cha Cha.

"Your Majesty, please do whatever you want."

Ryufeng, "...Your Majesty's orders are enough."

Cha Cha couldn't help but glance at Liu Feng.

thought: Are you still on the road?

She thought that he was going to reject her again.

"Then Liu Feng personally went to catch Wei Rou. Liu Ying went with me to Tian Prison."

Liu Feng, "???"

He watched helplessly as His Majesty and Liu Ying left.

He stood there alone, in a complicated mood.

Forget it, just run once, it’s better than being punished, and in the future, he will learn more from Liuying.

Heaven Prison.

Cha Cha walked in calmly.

At that time.

Shiki and Wei Ran are locked face to face.

Chacha's charming little face had a little smile.

"Is the Fourth Emperor still used to being imprisoned on this day?" Since Wei Ran was imprisoned, this was the first time she had stepped into the Heavenly Prison.

Because Xiao Zhixu didn't let her go to the Heavenly Prison...

Therefore, this time, taking advantage of Xiao Zhixu's ignorance, he brought Liu Ying into the Heavenly Prison.

Well, in this way, Liu Ying is on the same boat as her. Unless she wants to be punished, Liu Ying cannot tell Xiao Zhixu about it.

Liu Ying who was suddenly dropped into the pit, "..." The mood is very complicated.

Weiran no longer has the heroic appearance that he used to be at this moment, he is completely a prisoner, his clothes are tattered, his hair is messy, and his face is dirty.

Hearing the voice that made her hate to the bone, Wei Ran turned her head and stared at Cha Cha, "Isn't it used to it, your Majesty doesn't know?"

(end of this chapter)