Chapter 889: Regent, puppet emperor (49)

Chapter 889 Regent, Puppet Emperor (49)

Chacha wrapped Xiao Zhixu's neck and looked at him quietly and well-behaved.

That handsome face was very close to her.

The edges and corners are distinct, and the jawline is somewhat cold.

She suddenly seemed to remember something.

leaned into his ear and whispered, "Xiao Zhixu? Why didn't you wear a mask?"

He also occasionally took off his mask in the Phoenix Hall.

Outside, always wearing a mask.

Well, looking at his face now, I somehow feel a bit unreal.

Xiao Zhixu paused and glanced at her.

did not answer her question and continued to carry her forward.

Some people are calm on the surface, but in fact, their hearts have long been overturned.

Xiao Zhixu: Could he tell her that he left the mask in the Phoenix Hall in a hurry to get her back?

Forget it, wearing a mask or not is not a big deal.

As long as she is around.

Xiao Zhixu carried the person back to the Phoenix Hall.

Along the way, I met many palace maids, eunuchs and guards...

Everyone knelt on both sides with their heads down, no one dared to take a second glance.


even so.

Chacha still feels a little embarrassed.

She turned her face sideways and buried her head in the crevice of his neck.

The soft voice was muffled.

"If you hold me today, the minister will know our relationship tomorrow..."

Xiao Zhixu never said a word, his eyes flashed slightly.

He carried her back to the bedroom and closed the door, but he was not in a hurry to put her down.

He chuckled, his voice hoarse, "I dare to ask Your Majesty, what is our relationship?"

Cha Cha's pretty face blushed.

raised his head and looked straight at him in his round eyes.

"What do you think our relationship is, what we are." Want to dig a hole for her? She won't jump in stupidly!

Xiao Zhixu gave a meaningful sigh.

"I don't think we have much relationship."

After the words were finished, he looked at the person in his arms with a half-smile.

Chacha's eyes flashed, and he turned his head silently, "..."

It's ok?


"I also think we're okay."

she said solemnly, there was no superfluous expression on her fair little face.

Xiao Zhixu, "..."

Suddenly at a loss.

I wanted to tease her, but in the end, I made myself stunned.

He was a little helpless, "I think we..."

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think!"

Chacha turned his head arrogantly, this is a very popular sentence recently, and I accidentally remembered it in my heart.

Xiao Zhixu was inexplicably speechless.

It seems that he really pitted himself.

He sighed and turned to put the man on the bed.

However, he didn't leave in a hurry, he stretched out his hand and clasped her waist, lying on the bed with her.

"Since you don't want me to think, let's rest first."

Chacha, "???"

Wait, your reaction is wrong!

You, you, you, how can you be like this?

I'm not tired, I don't want to rest.

She struggled for a while, and she also asked Liu Feng if she had caught Wei Rou.

Who knows, after struggling for a while, Xiao Zhixu held him in his arms again, even tighter than before.

"...You let go." Cha Cha wrinkled a small face and reached out to push him, "It doesn't matter what you said, what do you want to do now?"

The little girl's voice was soft, and what she said was not at all lethal.

instead made Xiao Zhixu think she was more cute.

's slender fingers landed on her cheeks and rubbed gently.

Cha Cha reached out to push his hand.

Unpredictable, Xiao Zhixu said in a low voice, "If you push hard, my wound will open and bleed..."

Chacha, "..." You, are you trying to touch porcelain?


She snorted angrily, retracted her hand, and silently turned her back to Xiao Zhixu, leaving the back of his head for him.

(end of this chapter)