Chapter 901: Regent, puppet emperor (61)

Chapter 901 Regent, Puppet Emperor (61)

in the prison.

Wei Rou was beaten by Wei Ran again.

has no power to fight back.

Ever since Wei Ran was arrested.

In this empty sky prison, she seemed to have found some fun.

I have to beat Wei Rou every day.

seems to be venting all his hatred on Wei Rou.

If it wasn't for Wei Rou, she wouldn't be so miserable.

Wei Rou cried and cursed from the beginning, and gradually she got used to being beaten.

She has resisted, but unfortunately, she has learned to handle political affairs since she was a child, and she is powerless. On the other hand, Wei Ran often goes to the battlefield, and even a few men are not Wei Ran's opponents, let alone her?

And the ash on the opposite side.

At this moment, he stared blankly.

Seeing his beloved being beaten and tortured, he felt uncomfortable.

But over time.

This feeling of powerlessness made him also begin to become numb.

can't escape, can't go.

can only bear.

can only watch Wei Rou being bullied.

In order not to let himself be driven mad, he had no other choice but to choose numbness.

Now, even if Wei Ran is cruel to Wei Rou, he will no longer feel heartache.

Besides, as Wei Ran said, these are what Wei Rou owes her.

If it weren't for Wei Rou's greed.

Maybe he won't get to this point either.

Nothing left.

In this dark prison, he could not see a little light...

Wei Ran smiled like a flower after Wei Rou taught her a lesson, obviously very happy.

Although she can't get out, she can bully Wei Rou and trample Wei Rou under her feet.

However, this kind of life, after too much, is a little annoying.

After laughing, it is boring and full of emptiness.

Weiran leaned against the railing of the cell, staring dully at a small window.

Something seemed to fly past the window.

Just at this moment, several jailers walked past the cell.

mentioned the new emperor's ascension to the throne.

Wei Ran was startled.

His eyes, which had no turbulence, suddenly surged with strong ups and downs.


Why is there a new emperor?

Could something happen these days that she doesn't know about!

She stood up, stretched out her hands from the gap between the railings, grabbed one of the jailers, and asked excitedly, "What did you say? The new emperor is on the throne? Who is the new emperor?"

The jailer was suddenly caught, startled.

struggled from her hands with a black face, "You let go!"

Wei Ran didn't seem to hear it, and continued to grab him and asked, "Is the new emperor Xiao Zhixu?"

Apart from Xiao Zhixu, she could not imagine who would be the new emperor.

Another jailer heard the words and said angrily, "Bold, how can you call out the name of the new emperor at will? Do you still want to live!"

heard the words.

Wei Ran's hand was even more ruthless.

Something flashed in his eyes.

"He's the emperor? Is he the emperor? Hahahahaha...he's still a rebel!"

She thought Xiao Zhiman was so upright!


Don't you care about the throne just like ordinary people?

I don't care, it's all fake, but it's just that I didn't get a good time.

When he has the opportunity, he will go to the top.

Several jailers were speechless by her words, "Shut up!"

"Don't talk nonsense." Even if everyone knew about the rebellion, the regent couldn't say it.

Wei Ran's eyes flashed brightly, and she suddenly rejoiced, "Where's Wei Cha? Was that **** Wei Cha also locked up in the Heavenly Prison? Let me see her, I want to see her!"

She's going to see how that **** is doing now.

From the emperor to the prisoner, life must be very difficult!

Just thinking about it, she couldn't wait to see that scene!

(end of this chapter)