Chapter 912: I married my ex-fiance his uncle (10)

Chapter 912 I married my ex-fiance his uncle (10)

Chacha took a look at the time.

I thought it was not too late.

went downstairs again, planning to buy some things, like slippers, towels, toothbrushes, teacups, etc...

There is a supermarket next to the community.

When Chacha picked something to pay, she suddenly saw a lollipop she liked.

took a pause, turned around abruptly, and slammed into a cold embrace.

is almost a subconscious step back.

's pretty little face was a little helpless.

Why did you bump into someone?

doesn't make sense.

When I just turned around, there should be no one there... Why did someone suddenly appear?

She didn't think about it, looked up and apologized, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

She looked at the man as she spoke.

His eyes froze for a moment.

The man in front of him is slender, his black suit is well-cut, the cuffs on the cuffs glow with a faint blue light, deep and low-key, and his phoenix eyes are a bit sharp.

When Cha Cha took a closer look, the sharpness in his eyes seemed to be an illusion.

At this moment, there is only a touch of gentleness in the eyes of the man.

"Are you all right? I didn't see the way."

His attitude was gentle and pious, and Cha Cha blushed instantly.

She shook her head, "It's okay."

In the bottom of his heart, he began to ponder, Qiqi seems to have assisted again?

She actually met her male protagonist here?

I will come to this supermarket, and I am probably also a nearby resident. I don’t know if I will be in the same community as myself.

"What do you want? Do you need me to help you?" The man's voice was deliberately lowered, as if he was afraid of scaring her.

Chacha gave him a tangled look, then pointed at the lollipop next to him.

"Do you like candy?" he asked.

"Well, I like it." Cha Cha replied softly to him, and his voice sounded extraordinarily well-behaved.

The    man nodded and said, "It's a coincidence, I also like candy."

Cha Cha blinked and thought about the meaning of his words, oh, she understands.

She walked over, reached out and took a few more, then put them in the hands of the man, "...Eat together."

The man was stunned for a moment, his eyes filled with a smile.

The two walked over to pay, one after the other.

After leaving the supermarket.

He looked at the white and tender little girl carrying a large bag of things, and said warmly, "Let me help you, it looks heavy."

The    man was clearly approaching on purpose.

Chacha could see it, but he couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

When meeting for the first time, will he have a good impression of her?

According to the development of the previous planes, it felt unlikely. After hesitation, the man reached out and took the bag from her hand.

And, he said very familiarly, "My name is Gu Changting, I live in the community in front, how about you?"

Someone claims to be home, and it's a shame to have a good attitude.

Chacha tilted his head and looked at the person in front of him, inexplicably weird.

However, she can be sure that this person is her male lead.

I just don't know where this reflected...that kind of feeling, she can't tell...

And Qiqi didn't give her any information about Gu Changting.

met those phoenix eyes, she said, "I also live in the community in front, my name is Wei Cha."

Guessing, nothing major will happen.

No matter how weird it is, this time it was Gu Changting who came to provoke her first. He finally took the initiative once, and she had to follow his wishes to see what would happen next.

Gu Changting doesn't talk much.

The two of them didn't talk much along the way.

He followed Chacha until he stopped at the first building.

"I live here."

The corners of Gu Changting's lips twitched slightly, "Really? That's a coincidence, I live here too."

Probably, this is called fate?

Chacha, "..." Qiqi is too powerful?

The apartment you were looking for was actually the same building as Gu Changting?

Her eyes flashed, "Then what floor do you live in?"

(end of this chapter)