Chapter 922: I married my ex-fiance his uncle (20)

Chapter 922 I married my ex-fiance his uncle (20)

Wei You's already pale face turned paler.

She was nestled in Gu Yang's arms, swaying, as if planning to faint.

Chacha keenly caught her little thought and reminded, "I think Miss Wei's health is quite good, she won't be able to hold on to fainting on the spot after I finish saying a few words, right?

That will make me feel that Miss Wei is guilty of a thief, what do you think? "

Wei You gritted his teeth and glared at Cha Cha hatefully.

"Don't talk nonsense." There was a bit of warning in his words.

"Is there any nonsense, just need Miss Wei to take off the necklace, and then let's see if my name is engraved on it, what are you afraid of?"

Chacha's voice is not too loud, and there is a bit of banter.

Obviously looks soft and well-behaved, but what he said made Wei You collapse again and again.

Gu Yang lowered his head to appease Wei You, "Don't be afraid, take out the necklace and show her."

After finishing his words, he raised his head and stared at Cha Cha again, "It's just a necklace, my little You won't be interested in your necklace."

Cha Cha blinked, looking as innocent as she could be.

"Young Master Gu is wrong. For you, it's just a necklace, but for this Miss Wei, it's different.

Miss Wei has not yet explained why my bracelet and necklace are on you, and why does Master Gu think that I stole your things!

Miss Wei took my things privately and showed them off. I hadn't reported the case yet, but Miss Wei took a bite and accused me of stealing. It's amazing!

Don't stop talking, those who don't know think I'm bullying you..."

Wei You trembled, "..." I don't know what to say.

What can Chacha say, what else can she say?

She wanted to refute, but was unable to refute, as if she had blocked this road from the beginning...

Gu Yang was also a little annoyed at this moment.

He frowned, "Xiaoyou, what the **** is going on?"

Wei You twisted his clothes with both hands, tears falling down with a slap, "I...I..."

Gu Yang's heart softened, he sighed, and wanted to leave with Wei You.

Cha Cha moved quickly, took a step forward and stopped the two of them.

"Young Master Gu can leave, but Miss Wei, can't leave, the necklace around her neck must be taken off!"

Gu Yang's face was ugly, he obviously did not expect things to develop like this, "Wei Cha, don't deceive people too much!"

Chacha, "..." Do you have a hole in your head?

She looked at Gu Yang speechlessly, "Am I deceiving people too much, or is Wei You deceiving people too much? Don't you understand? If you don't have a good mind, go back and eat more walnuts to replenish your brain, don't be stupid here."

Turning around, she set her eyes on Wei You again.

's clear eyes seemed to want to see Wei You clearly.

Her voice was not loud, but it was loud.

"Miss Wei was the one who caused this incident first. Your mother became a mistress and robbed my father.

You are now a mistress again and robbed my fiancé.

Although I don't care about Gu Yang, the so-called fiancé, but Miss Wei entered Wei's house in an open and honest way, and after stealing my jewelry, she poured dirty water on me and tried to frame me and put me in jail. , Miss Wei, won't you explain it?

Or...Miss Wei thinks that I am alone and can be slaughtered by you?

Especially after Miss Wei has done so many things, she still wants to play an innocent little white flower? Don't you feel sick? "

Every sentence pierced into Wei You's heart.

Gu Yang frowned fiercely, unable to say a word, and looked at Wei You with mixed feelings.

She shouldn't be like this...

This is not the Wei You he knew.

(end of this chapter)