Chapter 933: I married my ex-fiance his uncle (31)

Chapter 933 I married my ex-fiance his uncle (31)

Wei Cheng recounted the matter in a heart-wrenching manner.

Wei You, who was crying, was stunned for a long time.

and then.

looked at Gu Yang in disbelief.

" have done too much for me...Gu Yang!"

Her voice choked and she cried even more fiercely.

This time it was a blessing in disguise!

I'm afraid Wei Cha would never have imagined that because of this incident, his father would announce in a high-profile manner that he would cut off his father-daughter relationship, and Gu Yang would break the engagement.

Gu Yang comforted carefully, "Don't cry, I feel bad when you cry..."

Wei You nodded, "I'll listen to you."

Wei Cheng was very satisfied.

The closer the two were, the happier he was.

After the three returned to Wei's house.

Wei You went back to the room to take a fragrant bath, and her mood reached an unprecedented level of joy.

After taking a shower.

She checked the situation online again.

Seeing that many people were scolding Chacha, her mood improved a lot, and she was almost happy.

Wei You changed into new clothes and put on delicate makeup before going downstairs.

In the living room.

Wei Cheng and Gu Yang were chatting.

Gu Yang's eyes lit up when he saw Wei You.

Most men like girls who are well-dressed.

Gu Yang naturally also pursues beautiful things.

Wei You walked over slowly.

When she noticed the light in Gu Yang's eyes, she knew that she had done the right thing again.


The first words she said were not to Gu Yang, but looked at Wei Cheng with a panicked face, "Father, you cut off your relationship with your sister, what will your sister do after that? How can she live alone?

Over the years, my sister is not like me, she has not suffered any hardships, and suddenly cut off the relationship, I am afraid that my sister has no money..."

Wei Cheng paused and looked at Wei You with mixed emotions, "Xiao You, you are just too kind, Wei Cha wants to ruin the rest of your life, do you still think about her?

Besides, you have suffered a lot in the past few years, why can't she endure hardship?

This matter, don't worry about it in the future, Gu Yang and I will take care of it, you have a good rest..."

Gu Yang nodded in agreement.

"Uncle is right. She wants to ruin half of your life. Sometimes, you can't be too kind."

Wei You shook his head with a pained expression on his face, "But..."

Gu Yang quickly interrupted her.

"I know what you want to say, don't worry, she is uncle's biological daughter after all, I will not be ruthless, as long as she knows she is wrong, I will stop immediately.

I have discussed this matter with my uncle before, you don't have to worry, these few days, you should take a good rest first, and in a few days, I will take you outside to have a good time. "

Wei You nodded, his face full of confusion.

"Then... well, I believe you."

Moment of drooping eyes.

A dim light flashed across Wei You's eyes.

Wei Cha, this time, you will definitely pay a heavy price.

Not only will I take all your belongings, but I will leave you alone for the rest of your life!


Gu Changting was in no hurry to return to China.

There are indeed some things to deal with abroad.

He can only send messages or open videos with Chacha every day.

As if he didn't see the things Gu Yang did, he didn't mention them or ask them.

It happened several times.

Li Ye couldn't stand it.

Started a video with Gu Changting.

Li Ye, "Do you have any other cuties outside?

How can you watch your little cutie being bullied so badly?

Don't you know what to do?

Gu Changting, I misread you!

I tell you, if you don't do anything, I'm going to comfort your little cutie!

If you are not careful, the little cutie has a good impression of me in this fragile situation, and you are finished! "

There is a lot of nonsense about Li Ye Pap Pap.

(end of this chapter)