Chapter 937: I married my ex-fiance his uncle (35)

Chapter 937 I married my ex-fiance his uncle (35)

Gu Yang and Wei Cheng respectively clarified on Weibo.

Gu Yang: Wei Youqing and I are innocent, these are all slanders.

Wei Cheng: My daughter is as gentle as water, she knows the book and is polite, how could she rob my sister's fiancé? A lawyer can prepare a lawyer's letter at any time.

The two made a firm clarification.

For a while, the melon eaters were a little confused.

Since the clarification is so firm, what happened to the previous photos?

See someone asked this question.

Gu Yang replied: Just a few photos, what can you say? When taking some photos, different angles will produce different effects.

The people who eat melons suddenly realized, is that so?

Many people apologized.

It was they who misunderstood.

At this time, I don't know who it is, and he brought Chacha out to accuse him: maybe someone was jealous and deliberately doing things.

It's as if someone deliberately brought a rhythm.

In the blink of an eye, this incident all hit Cha Cha.

accused her of being jealous and vicious, and that she could not see her sister well.

chacha, “…”

Don't panic, stay calm.

Envy is impossible to envy.

Jealousy is also impossible to be jealous.

Just a Wei You?

A seat for Mrs. Gu Shao?

photos are only, she has many more!

She did not rush to release the rest of the photos, but waited for a few hours.

When the public opinion on the Internet was all in the direction of Gu Yang and Wei You, Cha Cha smiled and posted a few more photos.

These photos are more intimate than the first ones posted before, and they are some intimate photos from the front.

Melon-eating masses, "???"

Sudden reversal?


seems to have accidentally punched himself in the face.

They are better off eating melons, and they can't just stand in line.

Wei You and Gu Yang saw their intimate photos before they could celebrate the resolution of the online matter.

Wei You, "..."

Gu Yang, "..."

Wei Cheng, "..."

Melon-eating crowd A: Oh my god, although we held hands, put our arms around our waists, and kissed our faces, we are innocent!

Melon-eating crowd B: What an innocent one, hahahahahaha! Laugh to death, the fastest face slap in history.

Melon-eating crowd C: The big guy who posted the photo, keep posting it! I always feel that there is something more exciting... Can't wait to see it.

Melon-eating crowd D: Crying, slapped in the face in seconds.

Eaters E: Master Gu, reply quickly!

Eat melon crowd N: I'm sorry, I want to say, the girl in this photo looks like a little white flower... She stole her sister's fiancé, and she is so gentle and watery, it really is a daughter inheriting her mother's business, a pair of mistresses!

Wei You didn't expect things to be like this.


She sat on the sofa, not knowing what to do.

This photo came out, isn't it certain that she robbed Chacha's fiancé?

But it is clear that the person Gu Yang likes is her, and the person he loves is also her.

It shouldn't be like this.

She doesn't want to carry this infamy all her life.

"Gu Yang, obviously the person you like is me, it has always been me..."

Wei You fell into Gu Yang's arms, crying like a tearful man.

Gu Yang stroked her back and comforted her in a soft voice, "It's okay, I'm here, don't worry about this, I'll take care of it."

At the moment when    lowered his eyes, Gu Yang's eyes glowed with a cold light. He would definitely pull out the man behind him and stomped on his feet.

Gu Yang knew better than anyone that this incident had a great impact on his future marriage to Xiaoyou.

The Gu family is a famous family.

Focus on reputation.

Now all the dirty water falls on Xiaoyou, and the future for him and Xiaoyou will only get more and more difficult.

He gritted his teeth, almost hating the man behind his back.

And the matter is so big, the Gu family should know.

(end of this chapter)