Chapter 940: I married my ex-fiance his uncle (38)

Chapter 940 I married my ex-fiance his uncle (38)

Wei You didn't call Wei Cheng back immediately, she reached out and opened the news.

After seeing the video that was mosaicked.

The whole person was stunned.

She stood there in a daze, blood flowing backwards all over her body, all the blood on her face disappeared, her whole body was shaky, and it seemed that she would faint at any time.

I do not know how long it has been.

She tapped into Weibo with trembling hands.

At this moment, all the scolding is overwhelming.

People who eat melon A: Although we kissed, hugged, and went to bed, we were clear and innocent, hahahahahahaha haha ​​to death.

Melon-eating crowd B: So, robbing my sister's fiancé is a real hammer! They hooked up early tomorrow, and they were innocent! What about a liar?

Melon-eating crowd C: It turns out that innocent is used like this, I understand, and try to learn from the big guys!

Melon-eating crowd D: The Gu family is a famous family. When such a shameful thing broke out, can this special come into the Gu family? Move the stool to watch the play tsk tsk.

When Wei You saw this sentence, her nerves stinged instantly.

She tilted her head and glanced at the door of Gu's house.

His eyes were full of anger.

Yes, she didn't even go in the door of Gu's house!

She spent so much thought, but ended up in this field? How could she be reconciled to being the laughing stock in everyone's eyes?

Wei You gritted his teeth, turned around and took a few steps outside.

Her embarrassed appearance must not be seen by the people of the Gu family.

Oh, even a housekeeper could ridicule her, but she didn't dare to retort, so she could only bear it silently!

She must enter the Gu family in this life!

As long as you enter the Gu family and become the young lady of the Gu family, then those ridicules are nothing.

Wei You narrowed his eyes and called Wei Cheng back.

I plan to see Wei Cheng's attitude.

The call was quickly connected.

But, before Wei You could speak, Wei Cheng roared in rage.

"Wei You, do you know what you are doing? Why was that video filmed? Do you know that the Gu family pays attention to reputation, and now you are making such a fuss, what will the Gu family think of you? You want to go well in the future. Do you know how difficult it is to marry Gu Yang..."

Wei You clenched her phone tightly, her eyes darkened.

Wait for Wei Cheng to finish shouting.

She replied lightly, "The Gu family pays attention to reputation. I have already had a relationship with Gu Yang, and everyone knows it. Do you think the Gu family will make Gu Yang a scumbag?"

Wei Cheng was stunned for a moment, and soon realized the meaning of this sentence.

He was so anxious just now, but he ignored it.

"Yes, yes, the Gu family will definitely make Gu Yang responsible for you. Even if it is difficult for you to enter the Gu family, you will definitely be allowed to enter the Gu family..."

With the news on Wei Cheng's face, the anger just now dissipated, "Oh, my good daughter, have you seen the old lady of the Gu family? Did the trip go smoothly? Did the old lady of the Gu family say anything?"

Wei You replied with a sneer, "It's going well, I have other things to do, I'll talk about it when I go back."

"Ok, I'll listen to you." Wei Cheng couldn't be more happy.

His daughter is really a lucky star.

Can save danger every time!

Wei You hung up the phone, and there was only a resolute look on his face.

She must find a way to become Gu Yang's wife.

She is going to enter Gu's house, and she will never have to look at other people's faces from now on.

At that time, even her father asked her to hold her up to the sky!

Don't think she doesn't know what Wei Cheng is thinking.

A person who can even drive his own daughter out of the house at will, if it wasn't for his interests, he wouldn't be so 'love' to her!

She will not become a discarded **** only if she holds Gu Yang tightly.

(end of this chapter)