Chapter 949: I married my ex-fiance his uncle (47)

Chapter 949 I married my ex-fiance his uncle (47)

Qiu Su did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

is a bit confused.

asked incredulously, "Let him be with Wei You? No way!" That Wei You was very purposeful at first glance.

If she really agrees, shouldn't there be a big problem?

Gu Changting smiled mysteriously.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, look at this first."

He took out a document and placed it in front of Qiu Su.

Qiu Su almost stumbled after opening the file.

"This is……"

"It's what you see. This second Miss Wei has more means than the sister-in-law imagined, and the sister-in-law's method can't be done once and for all.

And I already had an idea.

If my sister-in-law believes me and does what I want, then the two of us only need to play one scene. "

Qiu Su's slender fingers pinched the document, her fingertips were almost white due to too much force, she gritted her teeth, "Okay!"

Regarding Wei You, it must be done once and for all!

Gu Changting and Qiu Su spent about half an hour together before slowly leaving.

When he left, Qiu Su retained him and asked him to have a meal with the old lady.

Gu Changting, "I just caught my daughter-in-law and want to go back to accompany her. When the time is right, I will take her to live here."

Qiu Su, "..." With this temper, can the little girl catch up with him? Also a miracle.

The old lady has no problem with this either.

Let Gu Changting hurry back to accompany his daughter-in-law.

After all, the daughter-in-law is the most important thing now, and she will be relieved when she is abducted home, otherwise what if the little girl runs away?

When Li Ye went back with him, looking at the smile in Gu Changting's eyes, he always felt that this person had bad intentions and dug a big hole for Gu Yang.

He sighed twice and huddled silently.

Gu Changting, an old fox, can't be provoked casually, tsk, the price is too high.


When Gu Changting returned to the apartment.

Cha Cha is sitting on the sofa, huddled up and planning to order takeout.

Saw him back.

She froze for a moment.

sat up from the sofa and said in surprise, "Didn't you look back at home to deal with things? Why did you come back so soon?" She thought he would at least have a meal at Gu's house!

Gu Changting walked towards her and hugged him into his arms.

"Isn't this afraid of starving my baby?"

chacha, “…”

How could she be hungry at home alone?

She is not a child.

I underestimate her ability to live!

The little girl snorted, stretched out her hand and pushed him, um, didn't push...

She frowned and gave another push.


still did not push.

Chacha looked at the teasing in Gu Changting's eyes, she silently used the hand that pushed him, and patted his clothes for him, "Well, there is dust on your clothes, I'll take a few shots for you."

Gu Changting squinted and smiled, in a very good mood, "Is that so? I thought you were trying to push me away..."

Chacha, "..." See through but not speak, understand?


"Go and cook." She got up and distanced herself from Gu Changting, "I'm hungry."

The little girl said it for granted.

I don’t feel embarrassed at all in this state, just like an old husband and wife.

Gu Changting clasped her little head in a good mood, kissed her, and then let go of her and walked towards the kitchen.

Cha Cha's face flushed.

"I always feel like I'm being taken advantage of."

Qiqi, [Yes, I was taken advantage of...] Alas.

It's watery tea.

Soft and cute, unfortunately, Gu Changting took her away.


but helpless.

can only be silently closed.

Cha Cha vowed, "Next time, I will take the advantage back!"

Seven-seven, […] is even more autistic.

(end of this chapter)