Chapter 964: I married my ex-fiance his uncle (62)

Chapter 964 I married my ex-fiance his uncle (62)

Qi returns to Qi.

Things have come to this point.

Wei Cheng naturally continued to grit his teeth, trying to find a way to help Wei You enter Gu's house.

I didn’t even tell him about such a big event as marriage, how could I expect Cha Cha to be with him in the future?

Wei Cheng thought about it for a while, and took Wei You to Gu's house that day, and waited at the gate of Gu's house again. Gu Yang said nothing and did not want to come, and Wei Cheng was embarrassed to force him.

The father and daughter stopped there.

is there like a door god.

Wei You gritted his teeth, furious.

but can't get angry.

On the way   , Wei Cheng said a lot to her. In short, there was only one meaning: don't offend Chacha, coax Chacha, not only that, but also apologize and ask for forgiveness.

Now Chacha is Gu Changting's wife.

Even Gu Yang had to call out his second aunt.

And Wei You, who is a younger sister, must beg Chacha well, and let Chacha say more good things to Mrs. Gu, so that she can marry into the Gu family as soon as possible.

Wei You gritted his teeth angrily.

had a gentle and educated look on his face.

What can she do?

As Wei Cheng said, now Chacha is not the same as it used to be, there is a Gu Changting behind Chacha.

And Gu Changting is the favorite son of the old lady of the Gu family.

Man said that you can't offend Chacha before entering Gu's house, and even after entering Gu's house, you can't provoke Chacha at will.

Wei You's eyes were cold.

She calculated so much, but in the end, she was still crushed by Cha Cha?

The fingers hanging down from his side clenched the corners of his clothes tightly.

White fingertips due to excessive force.

Wei Chengxu noticed that something was wrong with Wei You.

pondered that she was as uncomfortable as he was now.

After all, Chacha was driven out by him!

he sighed.

did not blame Wei You.

"Xiaoyou, don't blame me for what happened today. I believe you can understand the current situation. Chacha can help you enter Gu's house. No matter how much you are unhappy, you have to endure it. The big deal will be in the future. Gu Family, you can find a way to find Chacha to vent your anger!"

Wei Cheng persuaded him, it was a way to relieve Wei You.

However, Wei Cheng never thought about how shameless his words were.

Why do you want to let Wei You out after helping Wei You into Gu's house? Wei Cheng is probably really treating Cha Cha as a fool!

And sometimes, imagination is beautiful and reality is cruel.

The two of them didn't wait long before the butler came out.

"Mr. Wei and Miss Wei have something to do?"

Wei Cheng smiled, "That's it, I just found out today that Cha Cha is married to the second master. After all, she is my biological daughter. As a father, I have to come to see my daughter and son-in-law anyway!"

The butler glanced at Wei You next to him, with a clear look on his face.

The housekeeper's words were slightly sarcastic, "Mr. Wei is joking, isn't your daughter by your side? As for your son-in-law, didn't you go with the two of you last time..."

Wei Cheng's face changed.

He knew it wasn't that easy today.

Fortunately, I was mentally prepared before coming.

He kept a decent smile on his face, "The housekeeper misunderstood, the daughter I said was the eldest daughter Cha Cha, and the second daughter Wei You was next to me.

Cha Cha and Er Ye held a wedding yesterday, many people know it! This is a good and a happy event. The second master and my family, Cha Cha, are a natural pair, and they match each other very well. "

The butler laughed.

"It seems that Mr. Wei has a bad memory, so let me remind you that Mr. Wei cut off the father-daughter relationship with our second wife a long time ago and kicked her out of the Wei family!

There was a lot of commotion at the time, and Mr. Wei still slandered her as vicious? So many people misunderstood.

Now, Mr. Wei came to recognize his daughter and son-in-law? Don't you think it's too funny? "

(end of this chapter)