Chapter 970: National teacher, let me assassinate (1)

Chapter 970 National teacher, let me assassinate (1)

【Congratulations to the host for completing the task. 】

【The lucky gold card owned by the host has been raised to the seventh level of the gold card.

The    Charm card has been upgraded to the ninth level of the normal card.

Snack card is upgraded to normal card level 5.

Wealth Gold Card is upgraded to the first level of Gold Card, and you have first-level wealth. 】

Cha Cha thought for a while, "How much is the first-level wealth?"

77, [Tier 1 wealth indicates that the host's movable funds have exceeded one billion. 】

"Well, a billion? But I didn't make any money in my last plane!"

Chacha was a little confused.

A lot of money.

Billion? I feel like I'm already rich!

Qiqi's face was not red or heartbeat, and he answered seriously, "Oh, I have transferred part of Gu Changting's funds to you. 】

chacha, “…”

For a moment, she praised.

"Qiqi, you are amazing!"

Qiqi, [I also think I'm getting better and better! 】

The money, Gu Changting couldn't take it with him anyway.

It would be better to let it move its hands and feet and give it to Chacha.

Anyway, this is the acquiescence of the above boss.

No, it doesn't have the ability to do this kind of thing!

【Let's go to the next plane! 】



"Sister, father asked you to go to the study."

A gentle voice fell on Cha Cha's ear.

She blinked, and as soon as she looked up, she saw a beautiful girl with a melon face and willow eyebrows, wearing a golden step, wearing an emerald green shirt, with a slender waist and a graceful figure.

Chacha nodded, as a response, "Okay, I'll go over in a moment."

Wei Yancong's eyes crossed a little doubt.

However, I didn’t think much about it.

turned and left.

Cha Cha stood there and quickly received the plot.

The original owner Weicha.

is the eldest lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion of Tianyao Kingdom.

is also called the first beauty of Tianyao by many people.

Just now was Wei Yannong, the second young lady of the Prime Minister's residence, known as the first talented woman in Tianyao Kingdom.

It stands to reason that Wei Cha has a distinguished status.

But Wei Cha had a particularly miserable end.

Wei Cha was engaged to the current prince Chu Zhe since he was a child.

At that time, Chu Zhe was not yet a prince, just an unnamed prince.

After making a marriage contract with the eldest lady of the Prime Minister's Mansion, he got the help of the Prime Minister Wei An, and then he became the crown prince.

Chu Zhe and Wei Cha have a pretty good relationship.

is also good for Wei Cha.

However, all of this is superficial...

Chu Zhe has been the prince for only two years.

There is a national teacher Xiao Heng beside the emperor.

Xiao Heng's methods were cruel, but he was quite trusted by the emperor. In just a few months, he eliminated half of Prime Minister Wei An's power.

The rest are just people who are not of much use.

And the prince, who was backed by the prime minister, was naturally also hit hard.

Wei An and Chu Zhe had no choice but to recuperate and did not dare to make any further moves.

This rest period is two years.

And Xiao Heng's power in the court is getting stronger and stronger.

is so powerful that the emperor obeys his words, and all political affairs in the court are handled by the national teacher.

Seeing that the emperor's body is gradually not as good as before.

Chu Zhe and Wei An were both in a hurry.

In case the emperor dies and Xiao Heng takes the throne directly, then they are all over.

They must find a way to get rid of Xiao Heng.

But Xiao Heng is usually very cautious, and his martial arts are also high.


Chu Zhe proposed to Wei An.

Let the original owner Wei Cha lure him with beauty, and then assassinate Xiao Heng.

Wei An agreed at the time.

The original owner liked Chu Zhe very much. Under his coaxing and Wei An's inducement, he had to agree to this matter.

Two days later.

The original owner was sent to Guoshifu.

Assassination was naturally unsuccessful.

Not only that.

The original owner never saw Xiao Heng at all.

After standing in the courtyard of the National Teacher's Mansion for an hour, he was sent back to the Prime Minister's Mansion by the people of the National Teacher's Mansion.

(end of this chapter)