Chapter 975: National teacher, let me assassinate (6)

Chapter 975 National teacher, let me assassinate (6)

Xiao Heng took a sip of tea, and his eyes darkened a bit.


She did not sacrifice for the prince! "

Ling Yun was stunned.

What is that for?

His way of thinking couldn't keep up with his master's thinking at all.

Xiao Heng smiled mysteriously.

This girl clearly took the Prince and Wei An into account.

Prince got divorced and lost face.

Wei An drives his daughter out of the house, ignoring family affection.

This matter, as long as someone makes a little use of it, it can set off a storm!

I'm afraid the prince and Wei An haven't reacted yet.

He couldn't wait to meet the legendary Miss Wei who had a deep-rooted love for him!

Xiao Heng clasped his slender fingers on the table and tapped lightly, "Go and make arrangements. Tomorrow, I will go to Xiangguo Temple to pray for the saint. This news must reach Miss Wei's ears. Do you know what to do?"

"This subordinate will do it now!"

Lingyun said, no matter why the master did this, in a word, what the master did was right!


Cha Cha rubbed his belly.

Take a look at the news from the prince.

"Qiqi, Xiao Heng is going to Xiangguo Temple tomorrow to pray for blessings. Since my male protagonist is in the Guoshifu, why don't I take this opportunity to go to the Guoshifu for a spin!"

Qiqi, […Then what would you do if your male protagonist was not in the Guoshifu, but went to the Xiangguo Temple? 】

Chacha's eyes lit up, "You mean, my male protagonist is probably Xiao Heng's personal guard?"

Qiqi almost vomited blood.

Was my suggestion not obvious enough?

Where did you put Xiao Heng?

Qiqi looked at the sky speechless.

That’s it.

As long as the host follows to Xiangguo Temple, he will definitely see Xiao Heng, and when he sees Xiao Heng, he will know that Xiao Heng is her male protagonist.

Seventy-seven, 【. . . 】I'm so hard.

The next day.

Xiangguo Temple.

Because Xiao Heng came to pray.

Xiangguo Temple was cleaned in advance.

Xiao Heng took a different path.

That road will only be opened when the royal family and relatives come, so as to avoid encountering with the common people.

was also afraid that the people would collide with the nobles.


That road is extraordinarily quiet.

There are only Xiao Heng and Lingyun, the dark guard.

Originally, Xiangguo Temple had people come to lead the way for Xiao Heng, but Xiao Heng rejected it on the grounds that he was happy.

Ling Yun couldn't understand the thoughts of his master.

followed quietly.

halfway through.

Xiao Heng seemed to hear something.

He curled his lips slightly, "I'll go on my own for the next road, and you wait here!"

Lingyun, "Yes."


Cha Cha huddled in the grass.

was talking to Qiqipapapa.

"Qiqi, are you sure if I suddenly fall in front of him, he will give me another look?"

Qiqi said solemnly, "But host, didn't you say you wouldn't look at Xiao Heng more?"

chacha, “…”

quiet and well-behaved.jpg

Well, when she said this, she didn't expect that Xiao Heng was her male protagonist!

Just took a look from a distance, and she recognized it, the familiar aura was still him.

Cha Cha sighed.

Alas, I can't talk nonsense in the future.

is too easy to slap in the face.

"Qiqi, I think finding a few people to rob me, and then giving Xiao Heng a chance to be a hero to save the beauty, should this kind of plan be more reliable?"

Qiqi, […Then you should just fall right in front of him! 】

I'm afraid you won't pay attention.

will kill those who pretend to be robbers.

Chacha, "..." That line.

She pretended to fall.

But...isn't this trick too cliché? It feels weird.

It doesn't seem right!

Qiqi saw that the tea pestle was not moving, and urged, "What are you still hesitating about? If you don't fall in front of him, he will go far! 】

Chacha, "!!"

Falling or something is too fake, I, I, I still hit it directly!

(end of this chapter)